Coffee Love and Lessons Learned


Everyone that knows me, knows that I love coffee.  I set my coffee pot to automatically start brewing at 5:30 every morning.  If I get up earlier, all I have to do is push a button and the brew starts dripping.  With pause and serve, it’s only minutes before I can grab that first sip of hot, warm-up-your-soul and wake-up-your-mind deliciousness.

Okay, so I might need help.

The reality is, it’s the caffeine that my body is craving–even though my taste buds crave its flavor.

And this morning, this jolt of java juice reminded me to crave something else more.

Time in God’s presence.

I am sort of a routine person.  I like my routine–especially in the mornings.  I have never been a get-up-and-at-em type of morning person, and tend to move quietly and slowly at the start of the day.  I actually like getting up early now, which didn’t happen until I became an empty-nester.

The quiet stillness of the morning quiets my soul.

And quiet can be a good thing.

“Do not be hasty to speak, and do not be impulsive to make a speech before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.”  Ecclesiastes 5:2

In our country home I awake to the sound of coffee brewing and birds singing.  On warm days I will open the door to the back porch so I can hear them even more clearly.  Those morning sounds that pierce the quiet are quite soothing.  They remind me that it is a fresh, new day.  That life goes on, despite what happened yesterday or the day before.  I hear those beautiful songs as praise to the One who created them. 

And I relish in the thought.

These are the moments that point me to the Savior.  That help give me focus and bring peace.

“You will keep the mind that is dependent on You
in perfect peace,
for it is trusting in You.”  Isaiah 26:3

Though it is not stated, but because Solomon was known for his wisdom (and other reasons), many assume that Solomon wrote the words of Ecclesiastes.  This perspective on life was clear and to the point:

One-Sentence Summary of Ecclesiastes:

Although human beings can accumulate many things, accomplish much, and achieve great wisdom, these are without profit and ultimately pointless unless one has lived in fear and obedience to God.” [HCSB illustrated Study Bible]

When I sit in the semi-quiet of the morning and think on these words He as written for us, it is then that I hear His voice most clearly. When I look at creation through the lens of belief, I am in awe of the One who loves me.  My God, who provides for even the smallest of His creatures reminds me that HE is our provision.  It is His Word and His presence that reminds us that He is the source of all that we need.  And gratefulness fills our soul when we see how He has blessed us.

Even that He gave us coffee.

Someone, somewhere in history saw those beans and decided to cook them.  To roast them and smash them and maybe boil them until they discovered that the liquid tasted even better than the bean.  (You can read an interesting article on its history here: The History of Coffee)  How cool is that?  You can study anything from nature to history and see God’s handiwork.  You just have to look for Him.  He’s right there in all of it.

I was ready to post this, but had to add what I read on a friend’s Facebook page this morning:

“We are among many in Uganda whose cell phones have been disconnected following a big registration scheme. I was just thinking…’It is so quiet here’. I then noticed my online devotion from Crosswalk. Is God speaking to me in the quietness of my cell free environment?” ~~S. Herron, missionary to Uganda

Silence is Golden
by Ryan Duncan, Entertainment Editor

“Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.” – Psalms 37:7

The world is filled with so much noise, so much distraction, how often do we really get the chance to listen to God? I don’t know about you, but this is something I struggle with on a daily basis. Don’t allow the toys of this world to distract you from your Heavenly Father. Instead, the next time you pray, turn off your cell phone and find a place far away from your computer. Pray to God in the silence and listen to his reply.

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