The land on which our nation’s capital sits is called Foggy Bottom. Its name is due to an atmospheric quirk of its low lying, marshy riverside location, which makes it susceptible to concentrations of fog and, in past years, industrial smoke (see Wikipedia). Not only is its geography in a virtual swamp, its past reputation reveals “hiding places of lawbreakers, including the Bloodfield, Murder Bays, and The Slashes.” Is it any wonder that DC is becoming a stench to the righteous?

    Many faithful intercessors through the years have prayed over that city and its government, thus keeping judgment at bay. And yet, the ongoing battles reveal just how deep and wide this swamp really is. I’ve been hearing the word FOG in recent days and the Lord reminded me of the prophetic name and its real-time significance.

    I had a dream in 2012 where the Lord showed me a FOG OF DECEPTION being released from the highest seat in the land where demonic forces had taken hold. It took everyone out – including public officials. It was like a toxic poison – a laughing gas. It not only blinded everyone to reality but produced a mocking spirit in the land. Those who came under its influence not only denied any existence of evil or wrong doing, they laughed at anyone who dared contradict their deception. This spiritual fog was oppressive and deadly.

    In my dream, the only way I could deal with the fog was to COME OUT OF IT. Realizing I was about to fall under its infectious influence, I had to find a way out and get to fresh air. I then found my husband (a pastor) and we knew that we had to get enough people out of that fog in order to regroup and take action. Even law enforcement officials had been immobilized by this fog of deception. It was up to us. It was the Jesus-followers and Spirit-led believers that would have to make the difference and clear the air before we could remove the spiritual invaders together.

    This battle can only be fought by those who recognize the real enemy. It is not of flesh and blood. Even as we pray for the souls of men, we must recognize the dark spiritual forces at work behind many of these corrupt leaders who are compromised, fallen, and conspiring against righteousness. The kinds of things happening inside this fog are beyond reprehensible. The debauchery and depravity are an abomination to the Lord. The spiritual adversary is hoping that we simply disbelieve what’s truly happening and trade the truth for his lies. We can’t let it happen. It’s time to come out of the fog.

    We cannot afford to simply hunker down while this toxic poison continues to infect every area of our culture. We must be intentional by avoiding propaganda, searching out the truth, and refreshing ourselves in God’s presence. We must be willing to confront the ugliness of sin while staying clothed in righteousness. Our worship in Spirit and in truth can help shift the atmosphere and inspire others to come out of the fog. As we pursue that which is good and true, we will receive the necessary boldness to pierce through the deception and neutralize this poison.

    I believe all the words being spoken about a supernatural wind of the Spirit coming as a sign of God’s presence. Let’s pray for the wind of His spirit to drive out the fog and refresh this land with a mighty outpouring from heaven. Let’s pray that the truth would be fully revealed so that His righteousness can prevail. Let’s encourage each other to get out of the fog, search out the truth, and together, displace the kingdoms of this world with the Kingdom of our God.

    “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.” (Joel 2:28)




    TUESDAY, MARCH 9 AT 7:00 p.m. at the Eastgate House of Prayer (Petra Church in New Holland, PA). You can either attend in person or watch via their livestream on their Facebook page.
    SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 10:00 a.m. at my home congregation, Crossroads Community Church, here in Winchester, VA. Livestream is available on our YouTube channel or Facebook page.
    In both of these messages I will be speaking on PROPHETIC DISCERNMENT and how to clearly distinguish between what is true and false, real and counterfeit, flesh or spirit. Join me!

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