Command the Gates
There are several references to gates in scripture and David spoke of God breaking the gates of brass and cutting asunder the bars of iron. This was in Psalm 107 when he spoke about God’s salvation of Isreal. They had wandered in the wilderness and were hungry and thirsty. They cried out to God in their distress and he heard them, delivered them and gave them a dwelling place. Some of God’s people dwelt in darkness and distress, when they rebelled against God. They cried out to God in their distress and he heard them and brought them out of the shadows of death.
Isaiah wrote about God’s anointing and mandate over Cyrus concerning the Jews.“Thus saith the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut” (Isaiah 45:1). Isaiah spoke of God opening gates of kingdom and cities to give Cyrus dominance. God was making a way for Cyrus to have conquest over kingdoms and territories. “I will go before you and level the exalted places, I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut through the bars of iron” (Isaiah 45:2). God was also giving him treasures of darkness and hoards of riches in secret places.
He was exalting Cyrus for the sake of his own people to honour his covenants to Abraham and Isaac. Although Cyrus was not the seed of Abraham, nor did he share in the covenant of Isreal, God would equip him and use his kingdom to channel resources for the restoration of the Jews. “Thus says the Lord: “The wealth of Egypt and the merchandise of Cush, and the Sabeans, men of stature, shall come over to you and be yours; they shall follow you; they shall come over in chains and bow down to you. They will plead with you, saying: ‘Surely God is in you, and there is no other, no god besides him’”” (Isaiah 45:14). God spoke of the dominion of his people over regions, territories, wealth and resources. He did this to exalt his name and for his glory among the nations.
We speak to the gate of bronze, iron, sliver and gold and we command a shaking. “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, declares the Lord of hosts” (Haggai 2:8). We speak to the gates and command them to be open and release every promise of God for his children. We speak to the gates of the seas and nations and command it to give up its wealth (Isaiah 60:5). We speak to gates of the nations to release lost souls for the kingdom of God. “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; And be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; And the King of glory shall come in” (Psalm 24:7).
Published by Anneta Pinto-Young
I am a trained Social Worker who currently provides professional leadership on a programme to support Social Work students and Newly Qualified Social Workers entering the Social Work Profession.
Born and raised in Jamaica in a Christian family where my father is an ordained Pastor and Deacon who has served for over 50 years in the ministry. My father is also a trained musician and our family can be described as a musical family. I grew up in a small farming community in St. Peter’s, St. Andrew and my parents also have a small farm.
I credit my gift of writing to my father who I watched and listened to over the years as he wrote sermons, poems and other recitals in his capacity in ministry. English has always been an easy subject for me and over the years I have developed an increased interest in writing.
I am a Trainer, I sing and have a passion for worship, the spoken word and the free flow of the prophetic anointing. I am married to my best friend Andrew Christopher Young who is an advanced Musician and whose music you can find on YouTube and Facebook. I am a trained Coach and Mentor and I love experimenting with food so I love cooking. I enjoy trying cultural dishes from across the world and I view food as an entry into cultures and languages.
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February 28, 2023February 28, 2023