Commit thy works

"Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established." Proverbs 16:3

To commit your works to the Lord literally means to roll them to God as if you were carrying a burden too heavy for you to carry. You don't have to carry around the weight of your burdens. God wants to carry them for you.
To roll means to let go. You can't roll a ball to someone and still hang on to it. To roll means to give the control to someone else.
Your decisions, worries about tomorrow, problems, challenges, time, etc.—give them all to God and let him carry the burden. Give control of your life to God. He has far more wisdom than you. Then you can trust Him to work things out in whatever way is best.
It's not always easy to give things to God. We want to be in control. But, oh the peace and freedom that comes afterwards!
Isn't it great that we have a God who wants to carry our burdens for us? The heavy ones and the tiny ones!

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