Dare to Be a Daniel

(Lessons from Daniel)
Read Daniel chapter 1
"But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself." Daniel 1:8
Daniel and his three friends found themselves in a place where their faith and obedience to God were put to the test. Would they stand up for what was right and risk getting in trouble or would they go along with everyone else?
Could they say no to what was wrong?
At some point in your life you will also be put to the test. You will have to choose like Daniel whether you will go along with the crowd or obey God. It might be at school, at a job, when you leave home, at university or even just at home with your family. You don't have to go far to feel the pressure to be like everyone else.
If you have grown up in a Christian family, you are very blessed! But that will not save you. You need to have your own faith and commitment to God that Daniel had. You need to purpose in your heart that you will be true to God and say no to what's wrong no matter what the consequences are.
God honored Daniel for what He did. God blessed him and his friends. You don't lose by obeying God. That doesn't mean that everything will always be easy. Hard times will come. But there is nothing better than being on God's side.
It is not easy to be different. It takes courage. But Daniel is proof that it is possible. He is also proof that God honors those who honor Him.

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