Day 9 Daniel Fast 9 Day Devotional — Daniel Fast Journey

    READING: Daniel 9


    So I gave my attention to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes.
    Daniel 9:3

    Do you fast more than once a year? My first fast was during a corporate time of prayer and fasting, initiated by my church leadership. But as I discovered the impact of fasting, and the intimacy and growth in my relationship with the Lord, I began to fast more than once a year. 

    Daniel fasted multiple times, not just the 10 days of vegetables and water mentioned in chapter one. The fasting and prayer in chapter nine take place during the first year of King Darius (the king from the lion’s den episode). As Daniel reads the prophet Jeremiah’s writings and considers the sins of his people, he turns his attention to God with passionate prayer while fasting. When fasting is referenced in the Old Testament, it is frequently a response to mourning and distress, accompanied by sackcloth and ashes. 

    As we read Daniel’s prayer, we can note several things:

    • You can fast and pray on behalf of others, not just for your own wellbeing

    • You can fast at any time, not just once a year

    • You can fast individually in private, not just corporately

    When Jesus instructed his disciples how to fast and pray in Matthew chapter six, he emphasized being private, not making a show of their practices, and being rewarded by their Father who sees everything that is done in secret.

    And the Lord clearly saw Daniel’s secret prayers! Daniel was known in heaven because of his prayer life. Multiple episodes and encounters throughout his life tied daily events and supernatural visions, to the overarching plan of God. As Daniel was praying and fasting, the angel Gabriel came to deliver a message. 

    He instructed, “Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding. As soon as you began to pray, a word went out, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed. Therefore, consider the word and understand the vision (Daniel 9:22-23).

    As Daniel is confessing the sins of his people and asking for mercy and forgiveness, we see the sovereignty of God in all things and the promise of the Messiah. The key for the people is for all of us: repentance. Repentance means changing the mind and turning back to God. 


    2 Samuel 12:20-23
    Matthew 6:16-18
    Acts 2:38


    1. How often do you fast?

    2. How often do you fast privately, without anyone else knowing?

    3. Are you seeking the Lord on behalf of others, even praying for repentance and forgiveness for your city or nation?

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