Posted on September 22, 2019 Updated on September 22, 2019


Matthew 13:25-30
25 but while men slept, his enemy came

  1. Dreams from God are always short, straight to the point, and brings good messages.
  2. Dreams from God are transmitted by Angels
  3. Dreams from the devil are long, full of stories, scary, and fearful
  4. Dreams from the devil are transmitted by demons
  5. Dreams reflect what happens in the spirit world.

How to achieve victory over bad dreams and overcome the enemy that Jesus talked about in Matthew 13:25,.

  1. There is no other way only by applying the principles in Ephesians 6:12
  2. You have to totally surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, because only Him has the power to totally destroy the work of darkness.
  3. You need to put your total trust in the Lord Jesus Christ believing that He loves you and desires your spiritual, material and financial prosperity.
  4. You need to have complete, absolute, uncompromising and unshakeable faith in God believing that He has the ultimate power.
  5. You must be ready to blindly obey any instruction the Spirit of God will give you even though some of them may seem unreasonable or irrational.
  6. You must be ready to serve God and do the work of an evangelist.
  7. You must determine to live in absolute righteousness and spotless holiness.
  8. You must start sacrificial giving to support the work of God like evangelism and missionary work to the less privileged.
  9. You must become a word addict and know the relevant scriptures that can deliver you.
  10. You must turn from a sleeping giant into a prayer warrior ready to spend quality time in saying powerfully violent and targeted prayers.
  11. You must desire and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit which will enable you to pray and speak in tongues for long hours.
  12. You must take control over your heart and your mouth making sure it sings hymns, songs, and music to the Lord at all times.
  13. You must take control of the night. Set your alarm clock, 12 mid night should be the time you are to pray instead of sleeping.
  14. You must reject all reports of the enemy and prophesies what you want into the future.
  15. You must turn the table against the enemy and release fire on its camp before it comes to sow tares into your life.
  16. You must eject all evil deposits in your body, rub off all evil marks in your life, and mark yourself with the blood of Jesus.
  17. You must be willing to deny yourself in fasting and fasting.
  18. You must be run to a Bible based praying church that understands spiritual warfare and undergone deliverance.
  19. You must be restless in your spirit, become violent, and believe that enough is enough.
  20. You must stop resigning yourself to fate, and believe you have a glorious desting.
  21. You must turn yourself into a Combatant soldier in the army of Christ, ready to purse, overtake and recover all.

🗣Dark powers visiting me while I sleep, be arrested in Jesus name

🗣 Unwanted guests visiting me while I sleep, be arrested in Jesus name

🗣 There are some dark powers whose duty during the night is to steal, kill, and destroy

John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

🗣Spiritual robbers, pass over my house by the blood of Jesus

🗣Spiritual robbers, I arrest you in Jesus name

🗣There are some powers on duty only at night

🗣Evil powers on night duty, I arrest you, I chain you in Jesus name

🗣Evil powers that visit me between 12 midnight and 1am, I arrest you in Jesus name

Psalm 13:3 King James Version (KJV)
3 Consider and hear me, O Lord my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death;

🗣There are Messengers of death that fire evil arrows when men sleep

🗣My guardian angel refuse to sleep while I am sleeping in Jesus name

🗣Messengers of death calling my name in the dream, enter your coffins in Jesus name

🗣Witchcraft powers calling my name in the dream, roast by fire🔥

🗣Have you ever dreamt of losing your pregnancy..then you must pray hard tonight!

🗣Have you ever be attacked by dogs while sleeping..then you must pray hard tonight!

🗣Have you ever been seen yourself not able to cross a river ..then you must pray hard tonight!

🗣Have you ever been oppressed and pinned down in a dream..then you must pray hard tonight!

🗣Have you ever be sexually molested in a dream..then you must pray hard tonight!

🗣Have you ever seen yourself eating delicious food in a dream..then you must pray hard tonight!

🗣Have you ever dreamt of your hair being shaved off..then you must pray hard tonight!

🗣Glory terminators, be terminated in Jesus name

🗣Witchcraft powers assigned to draw my blood in the dreams, vomit, die in Jesus name (say vomit, die, 7 times)

🗣Every breakthroughs that I have lost in my dreams, I reclaim now in Jesus name

🗣Every power shaving my hair and plaiting my hair in the dreams, die in Jesus name

🗣 I reject evil report revealed to me in the dreams.

🗣God, arise and heal my wounded dream, in the name of Jesus

🗣My dream life receive fire 🔥turn to fire🔥 in Jesus name

🔥Fire of God shield me from evil night visitors in Jesus name

🔥Angry spirits gathered against my prayer life, run mad in Jesus name

🗣Polluting powers I strike you down with the thunder of God

🗣Dream contaminators, today is your day of Judgement in Jesus name🙌

🗣Dark powers that vowed I will not sleep in peace, I cease your peace in Jesus name

🗣Witcraft powers waiting for me to sleep before they attack, I attack you with the blood of Jesus

🗣Evil dreams are not of God but of the devil.

🔥Good dreams are from God and every evil dream is of the devil

🔥Village masquarades appearing in my dream roast by fire in Jesus name

🗣Evil voices in my dream life, I command you shut up😤 in Jesus name

🗣 I reject every dream invitation in Jesus name

🔥Masquerading demons pretending to be loved ones in my dream, fall, die in Jesus name

Genesis 37:19-27 New Living Translation (NLT)
19 “Here comes the dreamer!” they said.
20 “Come on, let’s kill him and throw him into one of these cisterns. We can tell our father, ‘A wild animal has eaten him.’ Then we’ll see what becomes of his dreams!”#

🔥Vision killers, be judged by the sword⚔ of heaven in Jesus name

🗣 Every good dream in my life, manifest by fire🔥 in Jesus name

🗣 Powers boosting my good dreams will not become reality, fall down, die in Jesus name

🗣Holy Spirit transform me from a spiritual weakling to a spiritual giant in Jesus name🔥

🗣My guardian angel wake me up every day at 12 midnight to pray

🗣Witchcraft powers that vowed I will not sleep in peace will not meet in peace in Jesus name


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