Divine Appointments

In John chapter 4 a woman from Samaria went to the
community well to get some water. While she was there she met Jesus – it was a
divine appointment. When she left home that afternoon she had no idea God had
arranged a meeting for her that would change her life.

Have you had a divine appointment?  An appointment when you know that you know God
ordained that moment in time for you to see His hand at work in your life?  A divine appointment is a meeting with another
person that has been specifically and unmistakably ordered by God.  Sometimes I wonder how many of these
supernaturally scheduled meetings I’ve missed because I didn’t have my
spiritual detector turned on. 

The Scriptures
say, “The steps of a man are established
by the LORD.”
(Psalm 37:23)  After many years of  walking (off and on) with God,  I can tell you that seeing God set up these appointments
is exciting beyond comparison.

We all have divine appointments set by God on a regular
basis and most of the time we go and come without fully realizing God’s
presence.  Sometimes we experience God through meeting other people,
sometimes in our quiet time alone.  We
expect to meet God in the quiet times, when we are reading the Bible and
praying, but God is also present in our meetings with people on the street
corner, in the grocery store, and even at Burger King!

“In his heart a man
plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” 
(Proverbs 16:9)

Divine appointments are times to receive as well as to
share with others.  Salvation cannot be
forced or argued into someone.  People
only come to Christ as Savior when the Holy Spirit leads them. When Jesus met the woman at the well it was a
divine appointment.  The Holy Spirit
spoke through Jesus to meet the woman’s needs and create saving faith in her

Do you have a desire to lead people to Christ?  Remember that soul-winning is not based on
human effort; it is the work of the Spirit.  Ask God to increase your spiritual awareness
so you will realize when you are in the middle of a divine appointment.  The Holy Spirit may be working on the person
you are talking to and you will never know it unless the Spirit reveals it to

When God is at work, you are the
instrument, but it will be God’s Spirit speaking through you that leads the
person to saving faith in Christ.

I pray that you will have a divine appointment today.

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