Do You Memorize Scripture?

This year I am working on memorizing Hebrews with a close friend. When we discussed it, we thought it would be a monumental task but well worth the effort. We decided that there shouldn't be a focus on a deadline. Instead, the focus would be on each day’s memory work, trusting that God would minister to our hearts and minds.

By Grace, You Can Do It

I’ve read much about the importance of scripture memory and have memorized large sections of scripture in the past. I've seen John Piper recite scripture for 15 minutes, and it was amazing! But it’s a discipline that is easy to leave behind in the busyness of the daily grind.

Seeing the title of this post may have almost turned you away because of guilt or lack of desire for working on scripture memory. I'm here to encourage you and remind you that the point is not quantity but quality. Hiding even small amounts of scripture in our hearts is of eternal value and worth the 5 to 10 minutes per day we could commit to it.

Remember, that the average American watches 5 hours of TV each day. In  little more than 3% of that time, you could memorize Titus (46 verses) in less 3 months if you only memorized 5 verses a week. Even at one verse a week you could memorize a book of the Bible in less than a year! Imagine the spiritual encouragement you would have in that year.

The key to scripture memory is reliance on the Holy Spirit. Is that shocking to hear? It shouldn't be. I am guilty of saying, "it just takes 5 minutes a day" or "this method is foolproof". The reality is that no method can replace the work of the Spirit. A method can be a means God uses to show us grace, but if we are to truly benefit from scripture memory, we must look beyond the method.

All believers have the Spirit of Truth who raised Jesus from the dead (John 16:13Romans 8:11). All means all. Whether you naturally have an amazing memory or a poor memory, God will help you hide His Word in your heart. This means that, by the Spirit, even people who have struggled with memorization their whole lives can memorize books, chapters, verses, or portions of verses from God's Word. 

Some Benefits Of Memorization

I’m a list guy, so I just wanted to share some of the benefits of my time in Hebrews so far this year. I plan to do more posts like this to possible spur some people on in the pursuit of grace-powered scripture memory. Though I’ve missed some days and slacked on others, here are some benefits I've seen in memorizing Hebrews 1 during the first 22 days of 2019:

  • The Spirit has been renewing my mind through focused time in God's Word.
  • I've beheld the glory of Christ in unique ways for 5 to 10 minutes most days.
  • I've seen Christ in the Old Testament.
  • The majesty of Jesus has been at the forefront of my mind.
  • The Word of God has transformed my thinking during tough situations.
  • I have used my mind and mouth have recite the glory of God in situation I wouldn’t have otherwise.
  • Hebrews 1 has been at the center of discussions with my wife and close friends because it is fresh on my mind.
  • The Trinity and the deity of Christ have been the focus of my study and meditations.
  • I've been studying the book of Hebrews in depth.
  • I've seen at least 25 truths about Jesus in one chapter of Scripture.
  • My prayer life has been improved as I’ve been given additional reasons to adore the Father and the Son.
  • I have seen themes from Hebrews in the Psalms and other areas of my Bible reading plan.
  • I have been able to develop biblical arguments against false teaching in regard to the deity of Christ.
  • I have been able to affirm the historic Christian Creeds through my own time in the Word.
  • I have given thanks to God for His work of salvation in my life from the vantage point of Hebrews.

This is only the tip of the iceberg of the benefits of memorizing the Word of God on a consistent basis. Simply slowing down and thinking through God’s Word will change your spiritual vocabulary. And you never know when a verse of the day is a truth to preach to yourself or to counsel another with.

For tips on scripture memory, I highly recommend read Andy Davis’ scripture memorization method. Also, check out the Verses app!

What other benefits or tips do you have for memorizing scripture?

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