Do You Question the Commands of God? - Christian Perspectives

Why did the Romans soldiers whip Jesus and then crucify him? The bottom line is, they were ordered to. They had to do it whether they wanted to or not. As Christians we are mandated to obey the Lord. As you examine your life, do you question the commands of God?

The Centurion – one of the soldiers who performed the execution – saw this and praised God. Luke 23:47 (Voice)

In the movie, The greatest Story Ever Told, John Wayne was playing a Roman officer. While he was standing at the foot of the cross he said  in his western style voice, “Aw, truly this man was the Son of God.” 

I never thought much about this before, but there was a centurion who came to Jesus one day. He requested a healing for his servant because he was about to die.

Jesus said, “I’ll be right over.” The officer replied, “Oh no, you don’t need to come over. Just say the word, and it will be done.” He continued saying, “I, too, am a man of authority and know what it means to give an order.”

Jesus marveled at his faith. The question is, was this the same man? If it was, how could he have been involved in carrying out the order to kill the person whom he recognized as a man of authority?

Following The Commands of God

As a man serving in the military will follow orders for a worldly leader. How much more should I make sure I am following the orders of our Divine Leader? How often do I question the commands of God?

Even if this man wasn’t the same person, he probably knew the centurion that visited Jesus. Possibly at the last centurion’s breakfast, the story must have been shared about this young servant being healed.

There is a lesson in this for us, a lesson to follow orders. It has been depicted that the Roman soldiers in general, enjoyed torturing Jesus and killing him, but there had to be at least one soldier who thought it was wrong, even though he had to follow orders.

Related post: Are you willing to take a firm stand for the Lord?

That day, at the foot of the cross, there was a soldier (either the same officer or a different one) to whom the death of Jesus confirmed He was the Son of God.

Lord, your orders or commands are always given with love and purpose. Help us Lord, that we would no longer question them but follow them to the tee.

You can read this story from the Bible by clicking here.

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