Don't give up on God, faithful spouse! - Divorce Minister

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Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

-James 1:12, NIV

The temptation to give up on God is great when going through the spiritual abuse that often comes with a divorce from a “Christian” cheater.

My advice:

You do not want to give up on your reward. God knows this is hard. He understands that you are in pain. God gets that you are experiencing extreme injustices.

The important thing is not to let go of God during this trial. A great reward is promised for those who endure.

Personally, I think this reward is not just an otherworldly one. I know I have experienced the goodness and generosity of God because I endured through my own extreme trial.

That said, it might not feel worth it during the trial. That makes sense. It isn’t a trial unless it is hard.

You may be frustrated with God. That is okay.

You may feel abandoned by God. That is okay, too.

You might be really angry at God for allowing this to happen. That is okay, too.

Feelings aren’t right or wrong. It is what we do with those feelings that matter. Don’t allow your feelings to dictate your actions. Satan wants to separate you from your loving God. Don’t let him.

However difficult your trial is now, it will pass. Keep the faith.

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