Encouragement and Tools for the COVID-19 quarantine - Little Shoots, Deep Roots

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Hey friend,

I know you’ve been flooded with COVID-19 emails, blog posts, and memes this year. I’m not here to spread any alarm (or toilet paper), but rather, some hope!

First, I have a short devotional.

Then, some resources to help if you’re suddenly at home with your kids for a couple weeks.

In This World You Will Have Trouble…

Bad things happen. Death and disease and disaster have touched us all. And yet, in the midst of all this, I’m reminded of this conversation Jesus had with his disciples: (very paraphrased from John 16)

Jesus: Things will be bad. Yes, I just told you more than you can bear. But the Spirit will help you. Soon I will leave.

Disciples: Wait, what?! Did he just say he will leave? Hey Jesus, we don’t get it.

Jesus: Yes, I’m leaving. I’m going back to the Father.

Disciples: oooooooh. Now we get it. (raising eyebrows at each other) Sort of.

Jesus: Yeah, sorry guys, I’m leaving, and you’ll all be separated. But guess what?

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV)

I think Jesus’ message to us today is the same: “You see all the bad things. You see the quarantines and empty grocery store shelves and all the toilet paper memes. But I want you to see them so that in ME you may have peace.”

Christ, himself, is our peace in troubled times.

I pray that you are able to take peace in Him today.

TO READ: How to find comfort in God

If Your Kids Are Anxious:

In the midst of all this, please remember that little ears are listening and their hearts are very prone to taking on our worries.

Yes, our kids need to know what’s going on. But they also need to know that there is One who is bigger than coronavirus. He is the one who has us all is in His safe and loving hands. He is with us, and we can take shelter in Him.

Let’s pledge to remind ourselves and our children of this. Prayer will go WAY further toward finding peace in this outbreak. (Even further than that extra pack of tp ?.)

READ THIS: 8 Prayers To Help A Child With Anxiety

If your kids are struggling with anxiety over the pandemic I have two books and several free resources that are PERFECT for this situation. If, however, you feel that your family needs professional help, please check out this list of online therapy options.

Quinn’s Promise Rock is the reminder we ALL need that when we’re anxious or worried, God is with us and cares for us.

Download the free teacher/parent guide.

Quinn Says Goodbye reminds us that even when bad things happen, God is STILL with us and loves us.

Download the free teacher/parent guide.

Educational resources to keep you sane

I started homeschooling this year so I’ve discovered a lot of simple and fun ways to integrate learning into our days, without filling them up with worksheets (which, in my opinion, are pure agony).

So if you are facing a couple unexpected weeks with your children at home, here are some ideas to help you all keep learning without feeling like you have to do a bunch of school at home.

a) For Language Arts: BOOKS

Read out loud to your kids (yes, even the big ones), or listen to story podcasts or audiobooks.

Reading aloud with your kids has enormous educational benefits. To help younger kids listen for longer periods of time, set out coloring pages, lego, and playdough for them to use while you’re reading.

If your library is still open, you can do what the homeschoolers do and check out 50-100 books at a time…lol. There’s sure to be a few winners in a pile that size. ?

READ THIS: The Best Audiobooks for Families

b) For Writing: BRAVE WRITER

Brave Writer has made a bunch of their resources free for the next month. You’ll find writing prompts and activities to do at home. I HIGHLY recommend the 7-day Writing Blitz! It’s a blast.


Science Max is our absolute favorite YouTube channel. The science is solid and each show is sure to pull everyone in. Watch it on his channel or on TVOkids. (Wild Kratts is on TVOKids too!)

There are also tons of science documentaries on every streaming service. Hours spent watching Planet Earth are never wasted hours!


We love to learn to draw with Art for Kids Hub! If you want something more artsy, check out Deep Space Sparkle. Also, you can just throw a bunch of craft supplies on a table and see what happens – that’s perfectly legit! Don’t forget to teach the kids how to clean up after themselves ?.

e) For Math: BOARD GAMES

Have you ever noticed how much math is involved in Monopoly, Life, or many other games? Board games nearly all involve counting or strategy (a math-related skill). Have fun and call it math class!

Above all, I’d encourage you to find the joy in this time.

I know it’s stressful, but remember that your child’s future plans don’t ride on a single month of school (or even a full year!). In fact, if you approach this quarantine with hope and peace, this time spent together might bring unexpected fruit. Your family will become closer and you will have some time to rest from the busyness of life.

If you need any more ideas, encouragement, or prayers for sanity during this time, please leave a comment!



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