Facts about Heaven, hell and eternity

Facts about Heaven, hell and eternity

Posted on December 14, 2008 Updated on December 13, 2008


Memorise: “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1Thess 4:17)

Read: 1 Thess 4:15-18

 By Pastor E. Adeboye

Many Christians think that when they get to Heaven, their spouses and children will become strangers to them. And that all family relationships would come to an end after death. Nothing can be further from the truth! In John 14:1-4, Jesus promised to return for us to be with Him forever. Eternity is not a mirage but a reality.

Every human being has an eternal soul that can never die. Every human being will partake of eternity. Eternity can be linked to a period when times and seasons, days and nights cease to measure the length of life. It can also be compared with one million times one million years in a million places. The final answer becomes the first year of eternity! To sinners, eternity could be one long and unending night of sorrow, while to genuinely born again Christians, it is one long and unending glorious day!

When believers get to Heaven, they will fall into different classes: The first class comprises those whose family members are complete at the time of the roll call. The father will be there. The mother will be there. The children will be there. Such a family having satisfied God’s desire for whole family salvation will qualify for first prize. Another class comprises a family where either the father or mother is missing. A third class comprises a family with one or more of the children missing. There will be some families that have 50% of the members missing. Some others may just have only one person in Heaven from the family. There will be several whole families totally absent from Heaven!

You will be eternally reunited with those members of your family who make it to Heaven. You will live, play, eat, worship, reign, go to picnics together for the rest of eternity. Any family member that misses Heaven will be an eternal loss to you. Many Christians think when we get to Heaven, family members will be totally separated. No. The family you started on earth in imperfection, will continue in a perfect and far glorious union there. I have resolved my family must be complete in Heaven. What about you? Yes, we can truly live happily ever after!

While some believers will have all members of their family reuniting with them in Heaven, others will have none. What have you done to reach out to the unsaved members of your family?

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Death, Heaven, hell, pastor adeboye, RCCG.


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