FINANCIAL PIGGY BACK THURSDAY: FREE E-Books for Self-Care and Self-Improvement - The DV Walking Wounded:

I know that during active abuse, my captor (whom was my husband at the time), didn’t like me leaving the house — probably because free will existed outside of the confines of the walls of my house-prison. So, I discovered that my library had e-books that you could “check out,” so I started reading e-books on my iPad, as I sat and helped my children with their homework and while they bathed. He would periodically take my iPhone away from me, so I would use my tablet (in case I had to read or message any of my family, mainly) — he never really “got” Apple products, but I also didn’t volunteer that information either). He wouldn’t leave me alone when I had a legitimate book in my hand, but seemed okay with me reading on a tablet. I much prefer real-life books…I love their weight in my hand, their smell, the analog vibe or it all…I’m book obsessed! However, it must’ve resembled freedom too much for my Abuser to allow me to simply just sit and read. I’d often have books at work that I could pleasurably read, so I would get a little “me” time. I’d also hide one in the bathroom, that I would hide in my decorative tissue box that resided on the back of my master bath’s toilet. Book nerds have to be sneaky sometimes…

I thought I would share all of my links for free e-books that you can download, if you’d like some new reading material at no-cost. Some of the websites have some books that do cost, but you’ll have to filter for the “free” ones. Spoiler alert: there also may be ads that you’ll have to close and/or tolerate, in order to get to the free books. Here are my tried-and-true websites for your reading pleasure! Enjoy!
- Amazon Kindle Store
- Planet E-Book
- ManyBooks
- LibriVox (Audiobooks)
- Internet Archive
- BookBub
- Open Library
- Cantook
- Smashwords
- Project Gutenberg
- Google Books
- PDF Books World
- FreeTechBooks
- Directory of Open Access Books
- International Children’s Digital Library
- IntechOpen
- The Internet Classics Archive
- JSTOR Open Access eBooks
- The Library of Congress
- Making of America
- Standard EBooks
- The Public Domain Review
- GetFreeEBooks
- eBookLobby
- FreeComputerBooks
- OpenStax (textbooks)
- Open Textbooks Library (textbooks)
- Book Cave
- Free Booksy
- Centsless Books