From To-Do's to Flirting — Ami Loper

    Life can be busy. Outrageously busy. When my husband and I were raising our littles, we were advised to develop the habit of daily time together, just the two of us, at the outset of our evenings. We just needed 10-15 minutes to reconnect at the end of the workday, before dinner, homework help and bedtime rituals with our kids began. It was a brilliant idea and helped to keep us connected and as close to “on the same page” as two parents can get.

    Often our evening meetings went beyond the allotted time, but more times than not, there was no time for our initial conversations to move past the catching up of the day and the to-do list. We didn’t take the time to push past the “head to head” conversation to the two hearts communicating – the loving and flirting and intimate heart sharing.

    And often our times with the Lord can default to the same “head conversation.” There is nothing in the world wrong with our questions that seek the Lord’s wisdom, letting Him show us solutions for our day to day needs, letting Him show us what needs to be done and what the truth is about the battles we are facing. All of that is such an incredible blessing! To know that the God who created the Universe loves us so much that He helps us with our, in the scheme of things, piddly problems and questions brings us a joy of knowing that He cares for the tiniest details in our lives.

    In any given day, there’s much more to do than there are hours in that day. And yet we are called to be so much more than task-accomplishing machines. The Hubs and I learned this as parents, but it applies to much more important areas of life as wel…

    In any given day, there’s much more to do than there are hours in that day. And yet we are called to be so much more than task-accomplishing machines. The Hubs and I learned this as parents, but it applies to much more important areas of life as well. #IntimacyWithGod #ChristianBlog

    Yet, what about moving beyond the head conversation to the two hearts communicating? What about the loving and the flirting and the intimate heart sharing? It’s one thing to know we are partnering with God in the course of life, to see the Kingdom come in our life, our family’s lives, our community. But beyond partnering, we are also called to be lovers of the Lord, to enjoy His Presence and to rejoice as He sings over us with dancing!

    Our pastor shared with us this simple prayer that helps me to move past the task-oriented prayers that can be so easy to gravitate toward. It is this, “Lord, would You just come and love on me right now?” What a powerful prayer! To rest from the busyness that consumes, not only our time, but our minds and to bask – simply bask – in our identity as lovers of God.

    Your Abba rejoices over you, Dear Friend. He wants you to enjoy His enjoyment of you, to marvel in His loving friendship, to know that He knows you and loves you without measure. There is Someone who wants to spend time with you, to laugh and chat and share with you. He never gets tired of you, bored by you, annoyed by you. Let Him enjoy you.

    “The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.” Zephaniah 3:17

    For more on passion for Jesus, read my blog, “Burning, but Not Consumed” by clicking HERE!

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