God as a warrior, God as a man of war

God as a warrior, God as a man of war

Posted on May 12, 2014 Updated on May 11, 2014


Memorise: “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”( Rom 8:31)

Read: Joshua 10:8-11

The Almighty God is a war veteran who is not only good at fighting on land, but also at sea. Every battle against you this year coming from the land or sea shall be terminated and frustrated by the Man of war in Jesus’ Name. Our God is also an expert in air battles.godasawarriorThe air forces of the world have a lot to learn from Him. The airways belong to Him. You cannot know a house better than the designer, builder or owner. In Exodus 9 when Pharaoh refused to release the Israelites, God took over the air and sent grievous flies in their billions. Instead of breathing clean air, the Egyptians breathed in flies and many lost their lives in the process (Ps 78:45).

Also, He raised series of thunder peals and large hail stones from Heaven upon Egypt (Ex 9:22-26). In today’s reading, when five kings connived against Joshua because he was succeeding, God sent bombs from Heaven which killed most of them. Every enemy against you from the air this year shall become a casualty of heavenly bombs in Jesus’ Name. Every satanic force operating against you shall be roasted this season in Jesus’ Name.

When the Almighty God is on your side, victory is certain. Romans 8:31 confirms this, hence you have nothing to fear. Which enemy can attack you without passing through the air, land or sea? If it is through any of these, then you have nothing to fear. Battles under the earth are under His control.

He went to the region of the dead and defeated Satan in his headquarters and set the captives free. Battles in the heavenlies are also within His area of operations. That was where the demonic prince who withstood Daniel’s prayer was resisted and the answer was released after 21 days (Dan 10:12-13 ). Every prince of Persia trying to block your blessing is paralysed now in Jesus’ Name. Every gate of hell militating against your success is roasted now in Jesus’ Name.

The Lord will grant you total victory over all enemy forces – seen and unseen this season. Only ensure you are not His enemy. Never take sides with God’s enemies else you will surely fail. It shall be well with you this season.

Pray for the success of all Holy Ghost services to be held in various countries throughout this year.

                                                            By Pastor Enoch Adeboye 

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This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged babalobi, Babatope Babalobi, Bible, Bible study, Christian, christian prayers, Christianity, Deliverance, Devotionals, God, good news, Jesus, pastor adeboye, pastor adeboye's sermons, Prayers, Religion, Save the World, save the world prayer blog, war.

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