But in my distress I cried out to the Lord;

yes, I prayed to my God for help.

He heard me from his sanctuary;

my cry to him reached his ears.

Then the earth quaked and trembled.

The foundations of the mountains shook;

they quaked because of his anger.

-Psalm 18:6-7, NLT

We see God’s anger in this Psalm–maybe my favorite Psalm and possibly my favorite passage in all of Scripture. God is angry because who He loves is threatened and under attack.

God is moved by love to become angry.

This is part of why I question the love of those people who are neutral when hearing about their friend or family member being cheated on.

Why doesn’t their love move them to anger? That is the healthy, loving response.

A lack of anger is a sin of ungodliness in these circumstances. The person is not exhibiting Christlike passions and priorities. Their “neutrality” communicates an indifference to sin and willingness to tolerate what God hates.

I find God’s anger in Psalm 18 SOOOO very comforting! It communicates to me that my pain matters to God. The Psalmist speaks my heart language by painting a picture of God caring for when his son is abused.

Keep that in mind as you go through your own dark infidelity discovery valley:

God cares. He gets angry over the abuse you’ve experience. Those who have God’s heart will share in that anger as well!