God’s Wisdom Displayed in New Jerusalem

In Ephesians 3 Paul tells us that grace was given to him “to announce to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ as the gospel…in order that now to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenlies the multifariousa wisdom of God might be made known through the church, according to the eternal purpose which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

God is infinitely wise and His purpose is to display this wisdom through the church. At the end of the Bible, the church plus all God’s Old Testament people becomes the city, New Jerusalem. It is through New Jerusalem that God’s wisdom is expressed for eternity.

A hymnb praising our Father God for His wisdom begins:
New JerusalemIn all Thy wisdom, Father God,
—–According to Thy will,
Eternal purpose Thou hast made
—–That all Thy Son might fill.

God has an eternal purpose which is His will. His will is accomplished by the exercise of His wisdom. Because His wisdom and ability are infinite, the result is perfect. This result is New Jerusalem, the conclusion of the Bible. Its perfection is symbolized by the many uses of the number 12 in Revelation 21–22, a number indicating eternal completion.

In the description of New Jerusalem we see some facets of the wisdom of God but our perception at present is limited. Eternally, when we have been freed from the restrictions of our natural, fallen being, we will see much more of God’s wisdom displayed through New Jerusalem.

a The Greek word, appearing only in Ephesians 3:10, is often translated manifold, sometimes multifaceted; it indicates great variety.

Author Witness Lee, composer Samuel A. Ward; words; music.

Posted by Don on January 12, 2022

God’s Wisdom Displayed in New Jerusalem

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