Happy endings aren’t guaranteed - Today Can Be Different

    What if our lives played out like a Hollywood movie? 

    Wouldn’t we find it reassuring to know that whatever crisis we’ve gotten ourselves into, everything will work out and we’ll enjoy a happy ending in two hours?

    But life isn’t fiction. We aren’t guaranteed a happy ending for a poorly lived life. Romans 6:21 (AMPC) couldn’t be more clear: 

    What benefit (return) did you get from the things of which you are now ashamed? [None] for the end of those things is death.

    How often do we excuse our behavior or minimize the seriousness of our sin? 

    As believers, sin is not our boss. It has no authority over us, and we don’t have to let it control us.

    In light of this, do we truly believe we can say no to all sin? Maybe a better question is: Do we want to say no to every temptation? Or is sin so enticing that it’s worth the risk? 

    We can ignore God’s grace and walk away from His ways and wisdom until our marriage is dealt a death blow, our integrity is destroyed, our self-respect is shredded or our relationship with God is compromised.

    Then, when our world falls apart, we’ll have to decide how to explain to our spouse and our children why our lives are ending up so badly.

    Wouldn’t it be better to surrender our will to God and allow His presence within us to say no to everything that’s not His desire for us? Each time we intentionally love God with our choices, we become more like the person we want others to see – and the person we want to see in the mirror. Every choice we make helps paint the picture of the person we’re becoming.

    Every day we resist shameful behavior, we become empowered to make better choices. Better choices result in better days. 

    And better days result in happier days – and a purposeful, satisfying life.

    What do you think? 

    • How often do you excuse your behavior or minimize the seriousness of your sin? 

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