How and Why should we Praise, Worship, and thank God?

How and Why should we Praise, Worship, and thank God?

Posted on July 9, 2008 Updated on July 9, 2008



TEXT:                     PSALM 95VS. 1-2; 92VS. 1-5, CHRONICLES 29VS. 8-21


Worship, praise and thanksgiving are forms of praise to God. Worship expresses reverence and admiration given to God for who He is, what He has done/is doing will do. Praise extols, exalts God and gives Him honour and glory. Thanksgiving is a deliberate expression of gratitude to God for some reasons and in most cases you sacrifice something precious to God for the course/promotion of the gospel or God’s kingdom.

This is a form of relationship God requires of us continually, which we must give to Him willingly, cheerfully and gratefully.

Let us mediate on the above scriptures so we can learn to worship, praise and thank God. Every believer must learn the above art and it always.


1.       How are we expected to worship, praise and thank God? Psalm 95:1, Psalm 92:3, 1Chronicles 29:13. We praise God by singing to God; make a joyful noise to our Lord through instrument by shouting unto the Lord.

2.       How best can we express our thanks to God? 1chronicles 29:8-9. We should appreciate God with our substances, by praising God with all our heart.

3.       Describe the attributes one must posses to communicate with God through the above media. I Chronicles 29; 12-19. We must be in humility, we must be Holy, and we must learn to appreciate God. We must be thinking positively.

4.       Under what circumstances should we worship, praise and thank God? Psalm 34:1

5.       Why must we praise, worship and thank God? Psalm 108:4, 13, Psalm8;3-9; 150:2. We have to praise God for his wonderful works, for how God has made us for the salvation of our soul.

6.       Is it man alone that should praise God? Psalm 150:1-end no, it is everything that have breath praise the Lord

MEMORY VERSE I CHRONICLES 29:11 – Thine, O Lord, is greatness, and the power, and the glory and the victory and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine: then is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above.

The World Overcomers Church

Lagos, Nigeria

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