HOW CAN I PRAY MY WAY THROUGH THE DAY - Growing Through God's Word

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How Can I Pray My Way Through the Day?

by Ron Hughes at FBH International

prayer Hands

“Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, And He shall hear my voice” (Psalm 55:17 – NKJV).

Many of us were taught to “say our prayers” before going to bed, giving us an opportunity to reflect on the cares, challenges, successes and failures of the day.  Releasing them to our loving heavenly Father allows us to slide into slumber with forgiveness and thankfulness in our hearts.

With yesterday’s issues dealt with the evening before, our morning prayer invites the Lord to open our minds to see what He sees as we traverse the opportunities and challenges of the new day.  This broadens our focus to include the spiritual realm before we launch into the demands ahead.

I suspect that our prayer during the day depends on whether or not we engaged in morning prayer.  When we’ve done that, we find our conversation with God expanding throughout the day as we include Him in the decisions that confront us.

By now, you’ll have noticed that prayer is a cycle
with each phase affected by the one before. (tweet)

Evening prayer closes our attention on the day that is past and clears our mind for rest. Morning prayer, refreshed by the peace of God through the night, keeps us aware of His presence as we begin the new day.  Noon prayer, keeps us in constant touch with our Father and conscious of His guidance as we respond to the situations that arise around us.

Today, I’m remembering that:

      • prayer sets my orientation toward God and
      • enhances my awareness of His presence

as I make my way through this day.

Ron Hughes

Ron is president of FBH International , a multi-language media ministry and maintains an active itinerant speaking ministry in churches and conferences.  Ron is a professional member of The Word Guild and has one published book, “Refresh: 19 ways to boost your spiritual life”, and is working on several other writing projects. Much of his writing is published on the ministry website and has been used in radio broadcasts.

Ron has been married to Debbie since 1976.  They have four children, one of whom is married.  They live on a 100 acre farm in the Niagara region which they share with a few horses, chickens, cats and a dog.

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