How to be a Witness

Several times in the
Bible we are called to be a witness to God’s love and plan for our salvation.  But m
aybe you’re afraid to share your
faith because you don’t know what to say.
Or maybe you’re sharing the Gospel but nothing is happening; people
aren’t committing their lives to Christ.
Are you doing something wrong?

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be
my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the
(Acts 1:8)

But I find that many people are reluctant to approach strangers and even family
to talk of spiritual things.  Allow me to
provide you with several steps provided by LifeWay Research and my experience.

1) Occasionally go back and refresh your memory about the
gospel from your Bible. 

Remind yourself of what you’ve been rescued from and Who
you’ve been rescued to.  It will charge
up your soul.  

2) Where ever you go during the week, whether it’s the
gym, a walk in the park, or coffee shop make a point to be a regular.  It takes time to build trust with the people
around you.  The more often you spend
time with them, the more quickly you can build a relationship.  And don’t feel that you must spend hours
visiting with them.  Small progressive
steps will make initiating a conversation less intimidating. 

It may look like:

Make eye contact and smile.

Say, “Hi.”

“Hi, I’ve seen you around. I’m Russ.”

3) Observe and Listen.

Lookout for something to ask people about: s

Something they’re wearing

Something they’re doing

What they’re eating, etc.

Listen well.

Remember, every person, place, or thing can be an on-ramp
to the gospel. Why? Because every non-Christian, place, and thing is in a
fallen state; not yet redeemed.  Pray the
Holy Spirit will help you pick up on the cue.

4) Remember, the gospel is good news only to those who
are in a bad situation in life.  Social
media can cover up a lot of troubles in someone’s life.  But in the real world, people are usually
waiting for someone to care enough to help reveal their pain.  Sometimes this may mean you share something
about yourself and how you found hope in Christ.

5) Be Flexible.
Try not to be tied to one evangelistic method.  If it doesn’t go perfectly don’t worry.  One of the first people to share Christ with
me did a terrible job but God blessed their obedience and used it in my
life.  So try again! 

6) Prayer is the primary strategy.

Pray every day that God will:

                a. put lost
people in your path

help you engage

guide your conversations

give wisdom in how and when to share the gospel

The problem isn’t that the gospel makes conversation
awkward; it’s that we’re too awkward to engage in conversation in the first
place.  We know the story. We just need
to put ourselves in a position to communicate it.

Next time I want to share with you the
ABC’s of a gospel presentation.  It
stands for:

            1) Admit

            2) Believe

            3) Confess

Have a great weekend and may God bless you! 

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