How to Have Perfect Peace

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Are you longing for peace? Scripture shows us how to have perfect peace no matter what the circumstances.

Isaiah 26:3 states, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You” (ESV).

Notice that it is God who keeps us in perfect peace, for He is the source of peace. 

In John 14:27, Jesus says to His disciples, Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful’” (CSB).

From these verses, we see that our responsibility is to keep our minds upon Him and to trust Him. 

Keep Our Minds on God

How then do we keep our minds fixed on God?

1. Acknowledge God

Spend time communing with God before the start of your day. Whether it be studying His Word and/or praying. Taking time to acknowledge God shows how much of a priority He is in your life and sets your focus for the day.

Not only do we acknowledge Him at the start of our day, but all throughout our day. Are you concerned or upset about something? Did something exciting happen? Tell Him about it. Even though He already knows, He desires for you to come to Him. According to I Corinthians 1:9b, “you were called by Him into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord”.

2. Meditate on Scripture

According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, meditate means “to contemplate, consider thoroughly, think deeply about, reflect, ponder, study”.

When reading and studying God’s Word, make note of verses that stand out to you. Meditate on them throughout the day. Doing so shifts our focus on who God is and on His promises.

3. Practice gratitude

When you find yourself complaining or feeling overwhelmed, try practicing gratitude. Think of what God has done in your life, what He has blessed you with, how He has demonstrated His faithfulness to you. Also, consider God’s attributes and how He has demonstrated these attributes to you. Then express praise to God.  

4. Observe nature

Gaze out a window or better yet go outside if you can. Notice the beauty of creation and give appreciation to the Creator. Reflect on the diversity of plant and animal life, on the variety of color and beauty. Creation clearly demonstrates the power, intelligence and creativity of our Maker.

Implementing these 4 things will help keep our minds on God and not on what is happening around us. Plus, focusing on God demonstrates our trust in Him. 

Trust in God

Rather than trying to figure things out on our own, turn to God first. Rather than immediately giving in to worry or fear over a situation, pray. Place everything in His hands knowing that He is in control. Because we know our God – how powerful He is and how much He loves us – we do not need to fear or worry. We can confidently rely on Him. The result is peace, His perfect peace. 

Therefore, let’s resolve to keep our minds fixed on the Lord, knowing that we can trust Him in all things. Then “may the Lord of peace Himself give [us] peace at all times in every way” (2 Thessalonians 3:16 ESV).

Father, thank You for Your perfect peace. Help us to keep our minds stayed on You. May Your Spirit alert us when we begin to focus on our circumstances rather than on You. Thank You that You are always in control and that You are always working on our behalf. We choose to trust You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Reflective Questions

  • What distracts me from focusing on God?
  • Which of the 4 ideas can I implement today to keep my mind fixed on God?

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