How to inherit eternal life? - Raising Zion

Is it possible to inherit eternal life? What does it really mean?

What can we learn from the young man who came to Jesus wanting to inherit eternal life? (Matthew 19:16-24)

The young rich man came to Jesus absolutely sure about his relationship with God. He thought he was perfect because he kept God’s word outwardly. He followed God according to the letter, not in the spirit. The young man was too invested in the earthly lifestyle. He could not imagine leaving all the earthly things he possessed. The very thought of leaving all the wealth he amassed made him sorrowful.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matthew 6:21)

The only way to inherit eternal life is by leaving all

  1. Like the young man, we may think we are good in our own eyes. To realise the truth about ourselves we need to look at Jesus who is our only example. Jesus overcame the world and its lusts while on earth.
  2. Inheriting eternal life, or for that matter anything of God, cannot be humanly achieved. We need God’s love without which we are nothing, and need Jesus without whom we cannot do anything. The young man felt accomplished having followed some rules religiously.
  3. The young man was proud of his achievements in this life. The pride of this life can never accept the life in Christ. We can gain the whole world but what’s the point if we lose our soul?
  4. The young man treasured his perishable wealth more than walking daily with God. Our treasures are only in heaven.
  5. Our lives need a constant examining and approval of God; possible only when we are daily meditating on scripture and being taught by the Holy Spirit. The young man was well settled in this life, and had no clue of what it really meant to live out a godly life.

How is your spiritual state today? Are you willing to leave all for Christ when He calls you?

Prepare yourself to meet Jesus, He is coming soon. Praise God and amen.

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