How to Stop an Affair (Before it Ever Begins) - Melanie Redd

Temptations abound. All of us face opportunities to be unfaithful. But there are ways to overcome. Learn how to stop an affair before it ever begins. #affair #avoidaffair #marriage #relationships #cheating

They come from all walks of life.






Pastor’s wives.

Regular folks.

However, I’ve never heard ANY of these people say that they “set out” to have an affair, hurt their family, end up in divorce court, or intentionally break the hearts of those that they love.

Most people don’t mean to blow it by having an affair.

But, they don’t just randomly happen.

Most people don’t mean to blow it by having an affair. But, they don’t just randomly happen. Click To Tweet

Typically, a series of choices over time will lead to an affair. Most people don’t run into extra-marital affairs.

Rather, they slowly drift into an affair by making one bad decision after another.

And, affairs can be avoided–by making CAREFUL choices and taking WISE steps toward fidelity and faithfulness in marriage.

By putting some wise guidelines into place, couples can enjoy incredible protection in their relationships.

You and I can avoid the heartache and pain of an extra-marital affair. We can stop an affair before it ever begins.

We can grow old with our spouses enjoying life-long trust and faithfulness.

You and I can avoid the heartache and pain of an extra-marital affair. Click To Tweet

There is no reason you need to be alone with a person (who is not your spouse) of the opposite sex for a meal.

If it’s a work thing, try to involve an additional friend.

Somehow, adding one additional person can offer protection for our marriages.

If it is possible, invite a third person to ride in the car with you. Even a young child can provide some protection and accountability.

If you find yourself in a tough spot at work, try to discuss the situation with your boss or co-worker in a gracious and honest manner.

Speak the truth in love, but speak the truth as needed.

Your goal is a happy marriage!

By reading and watching too much romantic fiction, you will start to believe the grass is much greener somewhere else. You will begin to become discontent with the marriage relationship that you do have.

You’ll start to covet and want what you do not have.

Often, romantic movies and books can become for women what pornography can become for many men – an unrealistic escape!

Women will imagine and dream of some perfect romantic relationship that they do not have.

Be careful with these. Read and watch them in limited amounts.

Often, romantic movies, and books can become for women what pornography can become for many men – an unrealistic escape. Click To Tweet

Just intentionally treat other men or women with respect and distance. Even casual flirting can lead to trouble.

Try to be professional, business-like, and kindly distant with any man or woman who is not your spouse.

Too many affairs happen between good friends and great family friends. Affairs can even happen within families.

Lines get blurred.

People get too comfortable.

Big mistakes happen.

Be careful with how you act and react to ANYONE of the opposite sex.

Be careful with how you act and react to ANYONE of the opposite sex. Click To Tweet

One of my counselor friends tells me that one of the main reasons for divorce today is people hooking up through social media or with someone who they meet on the Internet.

Watch out online!

Also, be careful with counseling and one-on-one prayer situations. It is best for men to meet with men and women to meet with women if possible.

Pastors and ministerial staff need to be especially cautious when counseling and meeting with church members one-on-one. Keep the doors open. Invite a third person into the session.

Take every precaution to protect your marriage – especially if you are in the ministry!

Take every precaution to protect your marriage – especially if you are in the ministry! Click To Tweet

Temptations abound. All of us face opportunities to be unfaithful. But there are ways to overcome. Learn how to stop an affair before it ever begins. #affair #avoidaffair #marriage #relationships #cheating

Ask this trusted friend to pray for you.

Give them the freedom to hold you accountable.

There is something about “admitting” you are tempted that could protect you and prevent you from blowing it.

Pray over these things and give them to the Lord.

God already knows what you are struggling with; so talk over these temptations and issues with Him. 

Enjoy as much time as you can with your mate.

Maybe you are being tempted because you aren’t spending enough quality time together.  

You may want to check out this article for some creative ways to date your own spouse.

If you need love and affection, seek out your own spouse. They will likely love this attention from you.

It’s possible that you are being tempted because you are not enjoying the relationship God has given you. 

It’s possible that you are being tempted because you are not enjoying the relationship God has given you. Click To Tweet

Press in close to the Lord and spend time with Him.

Open your Bible more.

Pray more.

Turn on Christian music.

Read more inspirational books.

Allow God to fill your empty places.

Allow God to fill your empty places. Click To Tweet

~ None of us are exempt from temptation!

~ Don’t flirt with sin.

~ Don’t play with fire!  

James 1:13-16 in The Message says:

And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else.

Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away.

These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.

So don’t be misled, my dear brothers and sisters.

We have many curvy, narrow, winding roads in our city.

Anytime you take the “back way” to our church, you have to hug the middle of the road, or you could easily clip the edge of the road.

More than once, we’ve caught the edge of one of these roads and run off a bit.

One night, we even busted a tired wide open by clipping the edge of one of these narrow roads.

Our goal in driving is to try to stay as far away from the road’s edge as possible.

We hug those yellow dividing lines when we drive on those curvy back roads.

So also in our marriages, we need to stay as far away from “potential” affairs as possible.

We need to hug these ten guidelines!

To completely avoid an affair – we stay away from every possible temptation. We put some wise guidelines into place. Then, we press in close to Jesus and stay there! And, we really seek to enjoy the marriage that God has given us.

To completely avoid an affair – we stay away from every possible temptation. We put some wise guidelines into place. Then, we press in close to Jesus and stay there! And, we really seek to enjoy the marriage that God has given us. Click To Tweet

What do you do to protect your marriage?

What guidelines have you put into place?

I always enjoy hearing from you!

What do you do to protect your marriage? Click To Tweet

** If you have lived through the pain of betrayal and infidelity, I pray that God will heal and restore your brokenness and your family. He is able to mend broken hearts and broken lives.

** Also, if you are the partner who was unfaithful, there is no condemnation here.

My prayer for you and your family would also be complete restoration and healing. I also encourage you to put these “safeguards” into place to protect the future of your marriage relationship.

Live In Light is every girl’s guide to tackling their teenage years with the wisdom and comfort of the Bible. From navigating the pressure to be “perfect” on social media to dating and dealing with frenemies, these 5-minute devotionals help you to become the woman that both you and God want you to be.

Inside these teen devotionals for girls, you’ll find:

  • 5-minute devotionals—Bring the Bible into your day at any moment with quick and practical readings.
  • Relatable Scripture—Unpack lessons from the Bible with anecdotes you can apply to your daily life.
  • A spiritual toolkit—Relate God’s words to challenges and topics like social media, body image, self-worth and more.

In a world filled with change, this book offers unwavering guidance to live under the bright light of faith.

Discover more on Amazon at Live in Light.

Live In Light is every girl's guide to tackling their teenage years with the wisdom and comfort of the Bible. From navigating the pressure to be "perfect" on social media to dating and dealing with frenemies, these 5-minute devotionals help you to become the woman that both you and God want you to be. #teengirls #teendevotions #liveinlight #lighttheway

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