I Meet Myself Every Autumn: An Undecided Soul on Letting Go

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    Most Fridays, I join an online Christian writing community, Five Minute Friday. We are given a one-word prompt and write – unscripted, unedited, pure free-write – for 5 minutes. Five Minute Friday is a great place to hone my writing practice. It also allows me to be encouraged by other writers as I write. I will set the timer for five minutes and then write. Here we go! I am excited to invite you in, welcome.

    Undecided About Letting Go:

    A Poem of Self-Reflection and Nature’s Beauty

    I meet myself every Autumn
    I watch myself notice the smallest most beautiful moments anew.
    The way the light slants in through the leaves
    The way the clouds arrive by wind
    The way the days are bright and moody next
    The way the trees let go unselfishly
    The way the leaves hold on uncertain
    The way the chill gets in between the sheets
    The way the fire helps ease the tension away
    The way a cup of tea feels in my hands
    The way I welcome Autumn with my whole being
    How did I live before?

    I lived I know.
    I also know I didn’t know what I was missing
    I found fall and next thing I knew I found a part of myself
    The part that hears the call of autumn as if she was born in it.
    Will I be able to answer it?
    Can I live as open handed?
    I am undecided about the letting go…

    Be gentle with me this year fall,
    My soul is holding fast- uncertain as the leaves
    How did I live before?

    Daisy Fuentes Dronen


    What a perfect time to start honing your charcuterie skills! I have just the right thing to help you feel ready and confident while you gather. I created this simple and beautiful charcuterie guide for you. In my opinion it’s cute enough to show and then it would always be available for you! Plus, I am always honored to offer you practical content for purposeful and life giving time around the table. Check it out by clicking on the graphic below!


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