I shall not sleep the sleep of death

I shall not sleep the sleep of death

Posted on October 9, 2021 Updated on October 8, 2021

I shall not sleep the sleep of death

By Babatope Babalobi  babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435

Save the World Christian ministry http://t.me/Babalobi

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Psalm 13 verse 3

Consider and hear me, O Lord my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death

Psalm 13:3 Consider and hear me, O LORD my God: lighten my eyes, lest I  sleep the sleep of death;

  1. David cried to God because in his words, he was facing sorrow every day.
  2. David cried to God because his heart was full of sorrow.
  3. David cried to God because he was facing night oppression.
  4. David cried to God because he was afraid that the enemy will overcome him.
  5. David cried to God because many forces were troubling him.
  6. Th daily attack against David was so much that he was afraid of sleeping.
  7. The time for sleeping is a time of resting, but David was afraid of sleeping because the enemies were waiting to attack him in his sleep.
  8. David then prayed to God that he did not want to sleep the sleep of death.
  9. There are several people that have slept the sleep of death. They sleep and did not wake again.
  10. It may be heart attack, or they may be summoned to death in their sleep.
  11. The God of David will strengthen you and you will not sleep the sleep of death in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  12. The enemies waiting for you to sleep, in order to attack you shall not fail in Jesus’ name

By Babatope Babalobi  babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435

Save the World Christian ministry http://t.me/Babalobi

Join Telegram prayer group

Subscribe to YouTube channel https://youtube.com/c/BabatopeBabalobi

This entry was posted in Christianity, Psalm and tagged protection, psalm.

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