Implicit Obedience is the Most Powerful Trait in a Believer - Raising Zion

implicit obedience

What does God deserve when I say I love Him? Implicit obedience. He deserves it because He is the only one worthy of all praise and glory. He is perfect, pure and holy. 

It’s not possible to implicitly obey God with our own strength. What it really takes is, love. We don’t have that love power. The capacity to love comes from the Holy Spirit. 

Abraham implicitly obeyed God. God asked him to take his son for sacrifice (the son he longed for for 25 years), he responded immediately. No questions asked he went ahead as told. He knew he wouldn’t have got a son had it not been for God. He also knew God never goes wrong with anything. 

Isaac obeyed Abraham while being placed on the sacrificial altar. He had asked Abraham where he would get the sacrifice. Abraham said, God will provide. Truly God provided. 

Love makes implicit obedience possible.

Is implicitly obeying a vague concept to us? Not at all. All who love their parents or respect them immediately listen when told. Even those who selectively listen to parents do obey implicitly at times (when they think it will benefit them). 

A soldier never questions his commander, does he? He does as told. He loves his country. As soldiers of an eternal army and Jesus as Captain, is it fair to question God? An earthly commander or captain makes mistakes. God, our commander, can never make a mistake. 

We are in trusted hands. Heavenly hands that provide perfect peace and security. In God, we trust. Love makes implicit obedience possible.

God is our provider. What He says, He will do. Let’s surrender our spirit, soul and body to serve Him all the days of our lives. Give room for the Holy Spirit to power us in His amazing Love.

Maranatha, Praise God and Amen! 


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