In Which Jesus Prays for Protection so All Christians May Be One | Dreaming Beneath the Spires

Father, protect them by the power of your name,
That they may be one
As we are one.
John 17:11

Protection is something I increasingly feel the need of. Partly it is because of living in the deepest country, where I do need the protection of angels in chariots of fire around our property.

Partly it is because I am a woman of unclean lips, and I live amid a people of unclean lips (as in Isaiah’s vision). So in a world where people lie, slander, deceive, manipulate, and do others down to get ahead, you need protection.
Where do we find protection?
In the power of his name.

And, interestingly, what does Jesus pray for protection for?
For relationships between Christians.

So Jesus, because I love you, let me not do anything to hinder or destroy the oneness you desire among Christians.

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