It Must Have Been the End of July - Lauren Sparks

Teach us to number our days,
     that we may gain a heart of wisdom.Psalm 90:12 NIV

How is another month already drawing to a close?  Before you know it, the kids will be back in school.  (Shhh.  I whispered that last sentence as not to accidentally cast my youngest into the pit of despair.)   I started the month off by gettin’ my hair did.  If you don’t think that’s blog worthy, then your beauty operator (oh I’m giggling at myself now.  That’s what my grandmother used to call herself back in the day.) isn’t as good as mine.  I shouldn’t brag – or maybe I should.  She’s the talented one.  Not me.  And I am so fortunate that she is also a sister in Christ and a fabulous friend.  So appointments are anointed girl time.  I look AND feel good afterward.

The same day (a day of appointments)I had to start a brand new professional relationship.  A doctor I have been with for 16 years moved out of state.  She delivered Allie, she operated on me and Shelby, she went through breast cancer the same time I did and gave me the good advice.  Sigh.  Sad to see her go, but I’m starting over with one of her partners and praying for a fruitful association.

My little family celebrated our country’s independence with my in-laws.  My husband’s parents have a great house and property on a lake where the kids enjoyed skiing and tubing.  We ate good food, had great conversations with Chuck’s brothers and wives and played games.  The best part, though, is the fireworks show over the lake.  We can sit on the back deck or even in recliners in the air conditioned living room and watch the spectacle.  No heat, no crowds, no crazy drunks.  Just the show.  God Bless America.

Spider-Man:  Far From Home and Toy Story 4 drew us into the theater.  I give two thumbs up to both.  Or certify them fresh or whatever.  At home we watched A Little Bit of Heaven with Kate Hudson.  I had never heard of it. Probably because it has a few really cheesy scenes of an imagined heaven.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen this done well in a movie.  But it made me laugh and in the end bawl like my heart was broken.  So I guess it’s not all bad.

Our oldest baby Shelby turned 19.  My parents, sisters and their families came to celebrate with her and a Minnie Mouse cake.  I’m not sure how she has blessed this earth for that long already, but we don’t take it for granted.  Every time I hear of another child losing their battle with Dravet Syndrome I’m thankful for each and every day we get with her joy and laughter.

As a couple, Chuck and I are usually pretty socially lame, but we had 2 double dates this month.  Two!  And from one of them came this nugget:  “When your teenager comes home, always be happy to see them.”  You may be thinking that sounds simple and maybe even – duh.  But it was such a good word that I needed.  My friend also told me about complaining of  her teen’s attitude to another friend once who said to her, “Oh.  I didn’t know she was pregnant.”  My friend said, “Say what?”  The reply – “I didn’t know your girl was hooked on drugs.”  The point?  So your teenager has an attitude?  Whose doesn’t.  There are bigger fish you could be frying.  So I can be happy to see my girl.  Attitude or not.

I’m so thankful for new friends and growing friendships and wisdom and laughter and sharing. 

It’s not always easy to come by and have time for.  So I’m eternally grateful.

I am currently reading free kindle books of funny memes because that is the extent of my current mental capacity.  My husband has worked a lot.  And I have worked a little for pay and a lot as volunteer uber and family activity coordinator (come quickly school year, come quickly).  Chuck is getting some intensive training right now for his new job and Allie is fully immersed into tryouts for high school volleyball.  May we all survive both and find ways to glorify God along the way.  Love you, thank you, and pray August treats you well.

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