Jeremiah 18, Part 4 - Ron Edmondson

But the jar he was making did not turn out as he had hoped, so the potter squashed the jar into a lump of clay and started again. Jeremiah 18:4 NLT

Sometimes God starts over with our life. Just as the potter squashed the jar he was working with and started again, God, too, will sometimes begin a new work in our life. Ultimately God is working towards an end goal. For illustration purposes, if God was a potter and He was making His masterpiece out of our life, He would have a picture of Jesus in clear site, because the final destination for our life is to mold us into the image of the Son. (Romans 8:29) Sometimes that process involves radical changes in our life. He doesn’t remove our experiences from the equation; in fact He uses them as a part of His work, but the end product will never look the same when God finishes His work. (Thankfully!)

About 8 years ago God broke every idea I had about how I was going to spend the rest of my life. I never dreamed my career would change from the business world to the ministry, but God squashed old dreams of mine in order to create a new work in my life. My life today is so different from my life then. I can see how those former experiences play into my life today and help me be the pastor I am, but my life is radically different.

God may do the same with your life. God may have extreme changes in mind for your life. You may be in the midst of that process of change now. He may take away your health, break a relationship, change your career, but He will do whatever it takes to further shape you into Christ’s image and the plans He has for you.

Don’t be afraid of change if God is controlling the potter’s wheel. You are in safe hands!

Have you seen God radically change the plans for your life? Share it with us!

(For the other posts in this series, click HERE, HERE and HERE.)

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