John Wesley–True Christianity Breeds Diligence, Frugality and Riches | Dreaming Beneath the Spires

John Wesley on Christians and Money.

Wherever true Christianity spreads, it must cause diligence and frugality, which, in the natural course of things, must beget riches! And riches naturally beget pride, love of the world, and every temper that is destructive of Christianity. Now, if there be no way to prevent this, Christianity is inconsistent with itself and, of consequence, cannot stand, cannot continue long among any people; since, wherever it generally prevails, it saps its own foundation.

John Wesley preached this sermon in Dublin in 1789.

Interesting–true Christianity causes diligence and frugality, which will beget riches. Which will beget pride and love of the world. And so revival and spiritual fervour dies.

God protect us!


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