Judging Others Before Examining Myself - Ron Edmondson

momma-carsI was convicted again today.  I can be so guilty of judging others without considering my own shortcomings.   This is really not a big deal, but it at least reminded me of this principle:

“Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? (Luke 6:41)

I drove into the office today and immediately saw a car I didn’t recognize parked in Michael Bayne’s usual parking spot.  Michael is our Director of Family Ministry and one of my favorite people. (Please don’t tell him I said that!)   As I was walking into the office I realized the strange car was Michael’s wife’s new car.  Entering the office I had something new to pick on Michael about.  (If you are not a guy you probably won’t understand this kind of humor.)  I came barreling into the office yelling “Michael’s driving the momma car today.”  There was a usual and expected exchange from this point that I won’t bore you with, but you get the idea.  I love picking on Michael.

It was about an hour later when the thought occurred to me.  I am driving our own “momma’s car” today.  My car is in the shop, so I drove Cheryl’s car.

Are you quick to judge others, before considering your own faults?

I repent before you!

But, Michael, you are still driving momma’s car….punk!

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