July Jumble: Share Four Somethings

Waving farewell to another month, I rejoice in a glance back at my July Jumble joining Jennifer Goodwin as she hosts a monthly feature called, Share Four Somethings, where writers share the fourth Saturday of each month something in each of four categories from the previous month.

Many readers notice I choose a theme for each month, which often reflects lessons or themes from my personal life.

This month’s theme is “jumble”, which speaks to a pleasantly chaotic month full of disconnected, but enjoyable experiences.

Each month the four categories remain the same: Something I’m loving, reading, learning, and eating! Jennifer delights me by listing these categories in the present participle form of the verbs rather than the past tense of completion.

Something I’m Loving

author's family photo

Starting off my July Jumble: Share Four Somethings was one of the most enjoyable times all month. An impromptu babysitting opportunity with my four-year-old granddaughter Grace found me seated at a lavishly set table laid with tea for two!

author's garden

I just LOVE tea parties. I collect tea sets and have enjoyed various types of tea parties since I was a child. Grace loves tea parties too and having just received a tea set for her birthday in June, was delighted to set the table for us. We even invited Shalom!

Author's photo

Something else I’m loving are the gorgeous flowers both in our gardens and along my evening walks. The colors are so vibrant they remind me of Creator God’s lavish care for me, as I meditate and memorize Matthew 6:25-34, especially verses 28-29!

And finally, another delightful find to love along my evening walks is a dear neighbor’s yard decked out for Christmas in July! A sweet older lady sits on her porch in the evenings listening to Christmas music, because why not, right? Mr. Santa climbs up and down the ladder only between the hours of 7:30 pm-9:30 pm, because his knees are giving out!

Something I’m Reading

One of the books I return to again and again is the classic “Practice of the Presence of God” by Carmelite monk, Brother Lawrence. Recently, an updated collection of his meditations from the original was published called, “Nearer than We Imagine”. Shorter excerpts meant for daily meditation invite the reader into a place of recognizing God’s Presence in the simple everyday tasks. I still prefer the original, but I do find the shorter meditations helpful on busy days.

post graphic

This month finds me continuing in my celebration of the words of some blogging friends, as they graciously contribute to my Friends and Fellowship Serenity Summer Soiree.

Each week during the months of June, July, and August, my blog readers enjoy meeting some of my favorite writing friends and fellowship around the goodness of the Lord.

July featured guest posts from Jeanne Takenaka, Lauri Hogle, Tammy Kennington, and (coming July 31st) Lisa Blair.

Their words inspire, challenge, and breathe life into my soul. Looking for Hope? Check out their posts this month!

Something I’m Learning

Ever a fan of yoga, as it builds muscle strength and flexibility gently, while connecting with simple breathwork, this month I added a new routine to work on fascia. Fascia is the connective tissue that holds our bodies together, and when it becomes inflamed, tense, or bound up, it can lead to physical ailments and pain.

woman stretching

As we age, like our muscles it becomes harder and inflexible, leading to injury. I’m learning working on stretching fascia along with my muscles releases even more tension in problem areas like hips, neck and lower back, while increasing circulation and improving posture.

Though just starting, the simple stretches have improved my flexibility and even helped with joint pain.

Something I’m Eating

arugula blackberry salad

In keeping with my enjoyment of the summer’s fresh vegetables and fruit offerings, I am absolutely addicted to this summer arugula salad with blackberries, gorgonzola, and pecans, topped with a citrus balsamic dressing.

I saw some fresh figs at the market last week which will certainly kick this already fabulous salad up a notch. Add a wedge of Italian focaccia and a cool glass of Pellegrino, and it’s a summer delight guaranteed to help you savor the serenity of a summer evening.

July Jumble: Share Four Somethings

Thank you for taking a leisurely walk back through my July Jumble with me! I am grateful to Jennifer for creating such a creative way to review the moments of our days which often slip by so quickly.

Sharing Four Somethings is a way to savor one more time those things we are loving, reading, learning, and eating!

But you don’t have to be a writer or blogger to enjoy this practice. Why not take a few moments and think back over YOUR July Jumble and share four somethings with me in the comments! Meet me back here at the end of June for more joyful somethings!


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