Lessons Learned in 3D — Holding on to Hope

    This week, I shared my story, and you let me know I am not alone.  Thank you.

    I am holding on to hope today.  Romans 5:5 (NLT) says that His hope will never disappoint us.  He Himself is our Hope (Colossians 1:27).  May His hope fill you and surround you this weekend.

    Here are 10 hopeful things I have learned this week.  I hope you will be encouraged….

    1.  CNN’s Belief Blog tackled the tough subject of depression and mental illness this week.  I learned so much from  “Let’s Stop Keeping Mental Illness a Secret” and  “How Churches Can Respond to Mental Illness.”  

    2.  I loved this piece by Shauna for Storyline blog encouraging us to make time for gathering at the table in community with others.

    3.  I was so convicted by Mary’s story about how “every person matters.”  (I will think of her when I go to the grocery story this weekend!)

    4.  I am adulteress.  This post by Alee for Deeper Story is a must read.

    5.  My new favorite blogger is Alica at The Overflow.  I loved her post “Why Every Girl Longs to be Beautiful.

    6.  Jon Acuff rocks.  I love this space he created for dealing with the voices of fear.  No more voices!  God has not given us a spirit of fear!!!

    7.  This was a great post for moms by Joanne.  Don’t despise small beginnings.

    8.  I discovered that I love Meredith Andrew’s music.   Two songs that have really encouraged me this week are “Not for a Moment and “You’re Not Alone.

    9.  I love these two passionate responses to all the “Christian Crazies” out there who are bashing the Warren family.  Thank you, Beth Moore and Mark Driscoll.  As my momma said, if you can’t say anything nice, then just keep your both shut please.  Christians should not shoot the wounded.

    10.  My brother in law sent me this video — it made me laugh, so I had to share.  Check out “Thrift Shop Christian Remix.

    Q4:  What did you learn this week?

    Thanks for stopping by! I would love to connect with you on FacebookTwitter, or Pinterest.

    I am joining Jessie and friends over at Vanderbilt Wife for “Saturday Linky Love.”

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