Image by Markéta Klimešová from Pixabay

I have been watching an individual live their life this year the way they want to. It has not gone well. They have been controlled by a game-playing, conniving, lying woman. That caused him to drink himself into a drunken stupor. As a result of spending time in the hospital to dry out, he lost his job. Because of not being able to pay his rent, he was evicted.

Soak, wash, rinse, repeat. After struggling, he managed to get his job back but then repeated the same pattern, the only difference being with a different girl. To add to the injury, he did all this while being separated from his wife and ignoring his children. What kind of life is that?

As I was thinking about his life, I realized one thing: he does not feel as if he is accountable to anyone! Not to his wife, his children, his mother and father, his girlfriend, his friends, his boss, his landlord, or God. No one. He is accountable to God, ultimately, but he fails to see that. You could say he has no fear of the consequences of his actions.

So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God. Rom. 14:12 (NIV)

We should be accountable to people but especially live our lives accountable to God. You will make mistakes, but if you have accepted Jesus, you can ask for forgiveness. Then, it is also a good idea to ask others for forgiveness if you hurt them. Knowing you have to give an account of how you live will cause you to live differently, or at least it should.

“Don’t be bluffed into silence by the threats of bullies. There’s nothing they can do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life—body and soul—in his hands.” Mat. 10:28 (MSG)

Whether you admit it or not or live accordingly, you are accountable to people and God. If you are not living that way, you will continue to suffer. Did I mention he also totaled his car? So get with the program, or we will have to speak to your supervisor, God.

Copyright © 2023 Mark Brady