Let’s Talk About It…Adulting

We have come to the end of this awesome series and so many gems and insights have been shared! As the month of August comes to an end we remember that God has called us to be influential and impactful in our world in all our different realms of influence.

‘There are different ministries, but the same Lord.’ – 1 Corinthians 12:5

We cannot do that without knowledge and wisdom on how to navigate this season of life well, especially as young adults.

‘Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.’ – Romans 12:2

Check it out the last of the series and don’t forget to comment your thoughts and share your views! Also connect with Anthony and check out ‘Adulting with T‘ podcast on all streaming platforms!

This week’s topic is on Adulting
1. What is your definition of ‘Adulting’? 

Adulting to me is about learning and unlearning to grow into my most authentic self. A self that has dedicated time and energy into removing ignorance and filling myself with wisdom; the application of knowledge. The definition is holistic, benefitting my spirit, mind, heart, soul, body and community.

2. What are some of your biggest milestones in the adulting process? 

Reading and becoming vulnerable with God has become my gateway to spiritual healing. Reading broadened my perspective on what I was going through during challenging time, for example coming to terms with my new-identity post university (being a adult outside of full time education). I was able to have a clearer idea about the value and opportunity I had ahead of me in my twenties. Hence why I started my Podcast Adulting With T Podcast the day after my 23rd Birthday; a platform to keep me and others accountable to the best version of ourselves we envision through honest conversations on adulting. 

3. What have been your biggest lessons and tests during the adulting process?

Learning to be patient and being humbled by challenging experiences. I have learned that I can have an idea of something working within a certain time frame, but it’s okay if things don’t happen as planned. I should never forsake the blessings I have in life in the midst of such situations. This goes for jobs I applied for and did not get, relationships I pursed with beautiful women than didn’t amount to much, and finally personal growth I didn’t see straight away. Good things take time and that includes ME and the lifestyle I dream to one day live. So act according and live life like a marathon and not a sprint.

4. How has your faith impacted how you adult in everyday life?

I start and finish my day with prayer and thanks. Faith, the “substance of things hoped for, the evidence in the unseen” (Hebrews 11:1)  has a huge impact on my world view. Despite experiencing social anxiety, imposter syndrome etc, I know that I can overcome all of this with my faith in God. This makes me an optimistic person who sees value in people and myself.

5. What were the biggest misconceptions you had about adulting?

I thought adulting was simply a tick/boxing exercise before I started my journey. I’m my head, after university I would get a job, buy a house, find a partner, get married and have kids. This would happen at a pace I liked and was comfortable with, with little inconvenience. Boy was I mistaken!

6. What are some tips you would share with other young adults who are in the process of becoming who God has called them to be as a mature adult and as a Christian?

God is love. Love is God. If you want to experience true love, joy, peace, patience (fruits of the Holy Spirit) and more even in the midst of troubling times, take time to find out who God is for yourself. 

7. Who is one bible character that truly stands out to you that did the adulting life well?

Job who experienced a lot of loss in his life makes me think about the pain that comes with unlearning old truths whilst adulting. It’s a humbling process and through everything I try to remain thankful. Emphasis on TRY! 

8. Lastly, what are some resources (bible verses, podcasts, apps, books etc ) that help you in the process of adulting?

Bible Verse:
John 15:4
My favourite podcasts:
Adulting With T Podcast, 90s Babys Podcast, Last 3 digits, Learning with 3 Shots, Bible Babes and Banta

My favourite online pages on saving and investing on Instagram:


@moneyedpodcast @makingmoneysimple
@mrmoneyjar @beniratiofinances @property_strat 
@themoneyuniversityuk @moneyskillset @moneysavingexp 
@savespendinvest @millennialmoneyuk @bukiiesmart 
@investingduringcovid @stockpickersacademy @thepennypal @yimsmoneytips 
Apps: Bible app, Moneybox, Headspace 
Books: Is this it – Rachel Jones, The defining decade – Meg Jay

Thank you Anthony for sharing your thoughts and views!

T (Anthony) is a 23 year old Christian of Nigerian heritage living in the outskirts of East London. He works as a clinical scientist in training during the day and during his 5-9 he is the host and producer of Adulting With T Podcast. A overall lifelong learner. 

Check out his socials at https://linktr.ee/anthonyladipo 


Mo 🙂

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