Living in a Broken, Messed-Up World — Broken & Hopeful

It’s easy to feel that evil is swallowing up the world. Take one look around you and find pain, lies, brokenness and the overall feeling that we might be drowning without even realizing it. But perhaps what we see is what doing life without God looks like. It has happened many times before throughout history, this distancing from God and His ways. The results are never good. Governments, countries and powers that seem invincible and brilliant fall by the wayside as they implode. People convince themselves and each other that they are smarter than all the others and no longer need God.

Some days the longing for Jesus’ return is overwhelming as I just want the turmoil to stop. I want the world to see His face no longer shrouded in the darkness that tries to cover it. I want the truth to ring out strong and clear with no hint of misconception. 

It’s easy to get swallowed by fear in the middle of the mess. We don’t see a way out and the panic sets it. But God says not to anxiously look around you and move into fear. We cannot operate simply by the seen and the natural, for we know there is much more than that. On one hand it’s comforting to know that God is working underground and behind the scenes so much. On the other, it is frightening as we know there is evil supernatural power at work also to steal, kill and destroy. But our eyes must shift back to the One who holds the stars, reminding ourselves that He has not lost or been beaten. In fact, He has already won the victory! And yet He waits in His incredible patience so that more would know Him. 

So, what do we do when another terrible thing comes on the news, or another government entity does something crazy, or we fear for our children as we look at the future course of events? We move our focus back to Jesus, and remind ourselves of the truth. He is not fearful or surprised by the current state of affairs. He is bigger than any government, and no person rules Him. He cares about our children, and no amount of mistakes or misunderstandings on their part as they grow can take away His love for them. I think we often fear something that happens to them that might separate them from His love, when we know that nothing can do that. 

In keeping our gaze steadfast on Jesus, we see His blood covering our own mistakes and giving us new Life. We see the Holy Spirit empowering us to live in a broken, messed up world. And we see God the Father beckoning us to know Him even in the midst of pain. Humanity messes stuff up pretty well, but we are never without hope.

And what do we do? Whatever God puts in front of us. If you need to fight something, fight. If you are to let things go, let them go. But one way or the other, you keep your focus. Fear doesn’t get to make decisions for you.

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

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