Love 25

    Posted by: Frank Walker LMFT | March 1, 2017

    Love 25


    Day 25

    Are you known as a lover?

    Do people know that the church you go to shows love for the community?

    Being a Christ follower, a Christian isn’t just a name thing. Christians are lovers.

    People should see and identify you as a Christian by all the loving you’re doing. Get those thoughts out of your mind; we’re not talking about sensual love here.

    Christian love is about loving those who God loves.

    That means everyone even the least. (Matthew 25: 31-46)

    This love is a 24/7 love. This love is a love that goes way beyond the church doors and Sunday worship services.

    This love is a walking around in the world kind of love.

    People need to be able to see your Christian love and people need to be attracted to your love and follow it.

    1. So how does your life stack up when compared to the disciples?

    2. Are you known as a loving person? Why? Why not?

    3. How can you step out and be a better lover? Do it.

    Frank J Walker LMFT

    1617 Main Street

    Cambria, Ca. 93428


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