Mya on Abstinence & Not Being Wifed-Up by Now

Recently, Mya interviewed with “Way Up with Angela Yee.” She shared how she’d been abstinent for 7 years. When asked what it did for her, she shared that it provided mental clarity. It allowed her to do without, which shifted her mindset away from the rush to be married and in a relationship. Because that’s what we’re taught to do as women. There’s a lot of pressure on women to be wifed-up by a certain age.

Mya on Feeling Valid Before Being Wifed-Up

It helped her to feel valid without having those things. It isn’t that she doesn’t want those things. She thinks love is beautiful and supports more love, but more important than the idea of love—she brings out the lesson of self-worth while waiting, hoping, and doing the work within ourselves to secure that love if we so desire.

Mya Shares Keys to Health and Wholeness

Mya gave many nuggets as she provided an example of some important keys to health and wholeness. One is personal responsibility. Mya shared the importance of starting with yourself. We have to choose to love ourselves—so we can select well.

Additionally, the Bible teaches us to love God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. So, we know the proper order is to learn to love God. Upon learning to love God—we begin to receive his love for us.

Out of that love, we learn to love ourselves and it overflows toward others. Mya did mention spirituality but I’m not clear on her religion. It could be possible that she is Christian.

Pressures on Everyday Women and Boundaries to Block Out the Noise

This is the same Mya that, at 40 years old, had a ceremony to marry herself for a music video called, “The Truth.” The purpose of the video and song was to remind women that while society places pressure on us to be married by a certain age or we aren’t seen as honest, good, worthy, or desirable—we are still those things if we’re willing to do the work on ourselves to become that.

She repeats the same narratives within the above interview but adds boundaries and knows how to say no. Prioritizing your peace, rest, and personal health is key. Yes, ladies—this includes blocking out the noise that makes us feel unworthy because we have not attained yet what society and even religion and family pressure us to attain by a certain age.

It’s Okay to Be True to You

Some people cannot have children while others choose not to and that’s okay. The truth in her song is learning about yourself and being true to yourself. Ultimately, we are the ones who have to live with our choices—so we better be sure we’re making the right one for ourselves and not due to the noise of the pressure that women and sometimes men often face.Marriage is holy and honorable before God. Taking our time to get it right should be expected not ostracized.

Consider making a commitment to yourself and to God to take care of you by speaking what God says over you and not the world.

See the video of Mya below discussing her music video for the Truth:

Also, watch her interview with Angela Yee:


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