NO ONE Is Exempt

God is serious about His standard and the fires of purification have been lit…and are spreading. The resolve of His response in this unprecedented time of exposures is refuting all our claims.

“But God, look at the years of impact and influence in the Body of Christ!”

 NO ONE is exempt.

“But God, look at the fruit of their message and the increase of souls for the Kingdom!”

 NO ONE is exempt.

“But God, what about all the good they have done…..”


The ongoing revelations of sin in the camp will continue. The unsettling news of favored ministers found lacking and fruitful ministries found corrupt, will continue. This is what the fear of the Lord looks like. The purifying fires of His Spirit are accomplishing the very work we have been praying for – fasting for. It is the fire of His holiness that is burning through any and every work of man that is of the flesh and not of the Spirit. These fires show no favoritism or partiality and will be thorough and complete. That which is required to hold and steward the coming outpouring of His glory must be proven. Only those vessels who have stood faithful to His righteous standard will have the proper capacity to champion the coming days of Glory and Power.

But lest we think these fires will only sweep over pulpits and platforms, know that these same fires are going to the pews. For the compromise and sin being uncovered is not limited to deeds of darkness and immoral acts among leaders. That which is being examined and tested ultimately goes to the heart of every soul. It is the condition of the heart which is being probed and purged. It is the thoughts and meditations behind every hidden motivation that must be tested. It is the entire House that is being sanctified and prepared for what is to come.

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