Not Ashamed

  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Romans1:16
Are you ashamed of the gospel? Do you ever speak up for what you believe? Do you ever share your faith in God? Or do you do your best to avoid the subject?
It's so easy to be ashamed or afraid to share! I'll admit I find it very difficult sometimes. But I have to remember this verse. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. The gospel has the power to completely change a person's life if they will believe it. It can change anyone no matter how bad they are. It can make a suicidal person find purpose, hope and joy. It can help a scarred person find healing. It can help an addict find freedom. It can give a sinner forgiveness and cleansing from their sin. It can stop someone from ruining their life.
You never know what a person is going through or what they think. Because they laugh a lot or look happy, doesn't mean everything is ok inside. For all you know they could really be struggling. They could be the next suicide statistic. They need the gospel. They may not know they need it; they may mock and laugh. But don't be afraid or ashamed to speak up. The gospel has the power to completely change that person's life.
People need the gospel. Forget yourself, put your pride in your pocket and let your light shine!

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