Plucking Daisies

"If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God.  And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." —1 John 4:15-16 (NIV)

In middle school, I experienced my first crush. He was one of the popular boys; I was anything but popular. I hadn't blossomed yet like the other girls. I was tall and gangly with braces.  He was way too short for me, but he had a swoon-worthy smile, gorgeous mahogany eyes, and thick brown hair. He didn't ignore me like the plague or tease me like the other boys. I wasn't shy and could chit-chat with him, but I knew this crush was just that, and nothing more would happen. This reality check didn't keep me from daydreaming, adding his name as my future spouse in the popular 1990s game, MASH, and plucking daisy petals in hopes that the last petal always gave me the affirmation of his love.

 He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me.

I don't remember when I moved on from that schoolgirl crush, but I was right—he wasn't crushing back. It's a good thing I fell in love with someone who always loves me. With or without makeup, he loves me the same. He loves me at my worst just as much as when I'm at my best. He loves me more than I could ever imagine, even if the last daisy petal I pluck says otherwise. I don't know what he sees sometimes, but he makes love look easy.

You may have read that last paragraph and thought, good for you, but I don't have that kind of love. Perhaps you feel unloved, heartbroken, or lonely this season as you seek affection from others. Just know you can be loved this way too.

This love is not dependent on your circumstances, your appearance, or the condition of your heart.

This love is far greater than the human version because it comes from the source of love.

And this all-consuming love is waiting for you.

When you accept the invitation to believe in Jesus and His atoning sacrifice and obey His commands, you abide in Him, and God lives in you. God's essence is love, and nothing can separate you from Him (Romans 8:31-39). Unlike earthly affections, there is no loss in this love.

Sister, God created you to be loved, to love Him, and to love others. If you haven't already, invite Jesus into your heart and confidently march into this new year, knowing He loves you beyond measure.

Question for Reflection:

Are you living like your Creator loves you? If not, pray to see yourself in the light of His eyes. Pray that you open your heart to Him and pour out your heart to others.  


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    Darcie Fuqua

    Darcie Fuqua is an Auburn Grad (War Eagle!), Youth Director, Christian writer, and mental wellness advocate. She is from the deep south of Alabama, where she currently resides with her husband, two energetic fun-loving boys, a beautiful niece, and a dog named Cinnamon. She loves sinking her toes in the sand, cuddling with her boys, and having great conversations over a table of good food. You can read more of her writing at

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