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    Eating Humble Pie

    "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." -- Proverbs 16:18What's your favorite pie?Mine is pecan followed by butterscotch cream pie. I'm an expert at eating those and also one called humble pie. I'd like to think six decades of life along with 15 years of care managing...

    3 min read

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Daybreak Devotions and Nighttime Prayers


Experience God’s Word and renew your walk with Him with Daybreak Devotions and Nighttime Prayers - a daily devotional for Christian women by authors on Crossmap.com. We’re excited to deliver encouragement, guidance, and biblical truths right to you each morning and evening. When you sign up for the Crossmap Daybreak Devotions and Nighttime Prayers email, you’ll get access to morning devotionals and evening prayers, composed of personal stories and testimonies of faith and encouragement.

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