Pray. Pray. Pray. And Vote. - Today Can Be Different

    As we wrap up another election season, I encourage you to pray for the candidates running in local and national races, and for each registered voter to vote wisely and responsibly. This may be the most important election of our lives.

    As we pray, I hope we’ll feel mounting tensions ease (see Philippians 4:6-7).

    Proverbs 29:2 (ESV) may give us the incentive to talk to God on behalf of our country:

    When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.

    Will you join me in praying today and every day until the election? Let’s share our prayers on social media and appropriate websites. (Wouldn’t you like to see this type of content flood social media?)

    Voting your biblical values will make a difference in the America your children and grandchildren will live in. Pray for the United States of America that God’s truth, light and love will prevail over deception, darkness and hatred.

    Unfortunately, we’re not the only ones facing challenging times. While we’re talking to God, we can also intercede for other nations, thus making our world a better place.

    Pray for:

    • All leaders (spiritual and political) to pray to the God of Wisdom, asking Him for guidance to do what’s right and wise for their people and the courage to lead accordingly
    • Protection for all nations (or grace to endure) when threatened or attacked by terrorists
    • Perseverance for persecuted Christians
    • Wisdom and protection for Israel’s leaders and citizens (“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!” Psalm 122:6 ESV)
    • God’s intervention in Ukraine and other war-torn nations
    • The gospel to advance into hostile territory
    • Protection for missionaries as they persevere in sharing God’s love and the good news of Jesus Christ
    • Safety and continued growth of the underground church movement
    • God’s grace to enable us to love our enemies while dealing with them prudently
    • Each person to discover and grow in the revelation of God’s Word and experience His love and faithfulness

    Our prayers will come against the forces of evil. When we pray and vote for righteous (moral and honorable) people to govern, hope supersedes fear. Rather than groaning from the consequences of wicked rulers, we’ll be a nation rejoicing as we enjoy God’s blessings.

    So … let’s pray, pray, pray. And vote.

    What about you?

    I’d love to hear your thoughts about this post. (Your comment might also benefit others.)

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