Pursuing God

“God did this so
that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he
is not far from each one of us. For in him we live and move and have our being.
As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’”

We often view God as the One who pursues us, and that is
true. He meets us when we turn back from our reckless ways. He persuades us to
Himself by piercing our conscience and showering us with His love. We know that
God even sent His Son to seek and to save us when we were lost.

But what about our pursuit of God?

Some people pursue fame and fortune while others pursue
education, good health or other things. Whatever the pursuit may be, they can
lead us to pursue them with passion. That is how God hides from us. It may sometimes appear
as though He does not want to be found. But, He
does! His Word even tells us to seek Him. His hiding is for the sheer joy that
we receive when we do find Him.

If God seems to be hiding from you today, it is not Him that is hiding, but
you. Your job is to find out what you’re hiding from, by pursuing Him. If you remember,
it was not God that was found hiding in the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve
had sinned, but the ones who felt they had reason to hide from Him because of
their wrongdoing. It is the same with us today. Our wrong doings separate us
from God. They separate us from having a relationship with Him, they separate
our fellowship with Him, they separate our understanding of Him and the list
goes on. But it never was God’s intention for us to be separated from Him. He
wants to enjoy our presence as much as we want to enjoy or experience His
presence. That is why He made a way for us to come to Him even after the sin
which separates us, came between Him and the ones that He created.

When God looks at us through the blood of forgiveness and
our penitent hearts, He sees a restored child whom He adores and longs to have
a personal relationship with. We cannot do it ourselves, but through His love,
by His power and our choice to pursue Him, we are able to encounter the unmistakable
presence of Almighty God. Wow, what a feeling to know that the Sovereign God of
the universe looks at me; yes me, never taking His eyes off of me. His desire
for me is to encounter Him and know Him better!

There is so much to gain when we make God our quest, so
actively pursue a relationship with the Lord. Ask Him what He desires of you.
Seek Him out day after day. Knock on the door of opportunity until He opens the
way to His will and His presence. Find Him in the shade of the evening. Walk
with Him in the cool of the dawn. And never give up that pursuit.

We love Him because He first loved us.

“Love the Lord
your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”

(Matthew 22:37)

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