Reflect and Resolve


Every year seems to pass by with things “I intended to do” and didn’t get done. Pictures in Rubbermaids, rooms that need painting, shelves that need cleaning.

I’m not REALLY a procrastinator, though I sometimes wonder if I don’t see myself very clearly.

The mirror doesn’t lie, so why should I?

I know what I AM…
*A little late
*A lot in love with my husband
*A little insecure
*A whole lot enamored with my grandchildren!
*A little bit selfish
*A lot thankful for my relationship with God, family and friends
*A little tired
*A lot grateful for every year I’m given!

Wisdom says…

Enjoy every day as if it were your last.  Live without regrets.  Love like there’s no tomorrow.  Make every day count.  Find your purpose.

I always go back to one of my favorite verses for focus:


I never get tired of reading those verses.  Jeremiah was a prophet in Israel, urgently pursuing his passion to bring God’s message to His people.

He was known as the “doomsday prophet” because his message was not a pleasant one.  Israel had turned their backs on God.  He warned them of the consequences of such foolishness:

“Return, unfaithful Israel.  I will not look on you with anger, for I am unfailing in my love.  I will not be angry forever.  Only acknowledge your guilt–you have rebelled against the Lord your God.”  (Jer. 3:12)

God used him to remind them (and US) that He has ALWAYS had a plan for us and everything He does proceeds from His heart.  A heart of  faithful love.  In love He created us–not just to exist.  To live with purpose of heart and mind, recognizing His presence and walking in faith the path that He has set before us.

I am always a little nostalgic at this time every year.  In the space of nine days I celebrate Christmas, my birthday, the new year and my wedding anniversary:

It’s Christmas, and I am in awe of the Christ Child, God Himself choosing to dwell among us.

I’m a year older.  The gift of another day.  I’m learning to accept growing older.  Loving being a grandparent and thankful for health and strength.

It’s a new year.  A year of blessings:  Loss and birth.  Joy and sorrow.  Changes and struggles.  Each one an opportunity to grow.

I’m truly blessed.  Thirty-one years of marriage to my high school sweetheart.  Our love for each other is as deep as the roots of an old oak tree.  Stronger, deeper and more beautiful the older we get!

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Consider these words of wisdom:


No resolutions this year…







Happy New Year!!

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