
Last year we started with the term ‘Tabula Rasa’ which referred to a blank slate. Now we are in 2022, the year of elevation and expansion. Looking at the story of Isaac in Genesis 26, we are introduced to a narrative where Isaac moved his family to a new land known as Gerar after encountering a famine in his land. This new place known as Gerar was inhabited by the Philistines which was then ruled by King Abimelech. God gave Isaac a decree to stay in this area of Gerar and made a promise to establish and bless Him in the new land because of the obedience of his father Abraham (Genesis 26: 2- 5).

Although Isaac was intimidated and scared by the Philistines, he tried to do whatever he could to just get by and avoid any form of conflict. In the end, that which he tried to hide was all revealed. He found that what he was so worried about wasn’t really necessary because God had already provided a way. The name Rehoboth was birthed after a series of conflicts with the neighboring Philistines who kept damaging the wells of water that Isaac was building for his household. This was a fighting stance because at those times it was almost like they wanted to kill off Isaac’s descendants because living in a desert location with no access to water, could easily lead to dehydration and possible death. Isaac exercised patience and kept rebuilding new wells until finally his third attempt was met with no resistance with the Philistines and finally there was no longer any disputes.

Genesis 26:22

Isaac named this newly dug well “Rehoboth” meaning open space in Hebrew and stated that “Now the Lord has given us room and we will flourish in the land.” Is this the same thing we hope to lay claim to in 2022?


That means that the promise of God after moving us and bringing us to this new land, we can finally start seeing the manifestation of that truth. As for me and my own household we shall hold strong to those promises of God for He is faithful to fulfill His promises to us and bringing His word to pass.

The Siege is Over

Declaring and walking into the new spaces God has set for us. It means stepping boldly into the promises of God for us this year. Leaving behind all those things that so easily entangle and declaring victory over the siege of our lives. Walking into new territories with authority and power. We are entering and breaking new grounds. Walking passionately, boldly and unapologetically in the arenas we are called to be influential in. Pull up you boot laces, arm yourself and get ready for the work ahead.


It’s not just in words and flowery language but we need to remind ourselves of the basics of our faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. Reminding ourselves daily of the promises and faithfulness of God in His scriptures (2 Peter 1: 12-13). There is no special formula or special word we run with except the word of God. It’s not because we have it all figured out also that we can then be reminding others, rather it is a daily reminder to each other. We are working hard to working on growing our faith and dependence on God. In order to do this, we go back to the foundations of our faith and follow the things that have worked for us in the past. Seeking God passionately is the basis of all things. Working on strengthening our faith and our inner man. Remaining at the feet of Jesus. We get to know this God for ourselves, and avoid pretense and trying to package ourselves in the presence of our Father. We come as we are and when we do, we best believe that we won’t stay as we are (Hebrews 11:6). Being genuine and having a heart that is truly committed and surrendered to Christ. It may look different to different people but that is the beauty of serving God wholeheartedly. Just as our faces are different our interactions with God also differs. We know that God sees the truest and deepest parts of our hearts, He cannot be deceived even if we try and deceive ourselves or others (Matthew 5:8). We can be honest with Him and allow his transforming power have its way in our lives this year. We can soar on wind like eagles and experience divine ease and enablement in areas we never thought possible. That is the transforming power of God at work in our lives. May we not dispel the power of God at work in us.

Immanuel – God with Us

It is important that we are intentional and purposeful by watching and praying. We are looking and observing while committing things into the hands of God. We are trusting Him totally with all that concerns us. Walking with confidence in this year with the assurance that God is with us. That can only happen if we allow Him into our spaces and lives. We invite Him in, but also allow Him to have his way, we ake the environment of our hearts and lives conducive for the Holy Spirit of God to thrive and grow. We are great hosts and make it easy for Him to dwell with us. This will involve seeking God with vigor and running after Him.

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New Mandate for the blog is to encourage and remind us all of the goodness and faithfulness of God. To point us to the person of Jesus Christ and display his goodness in the lives of his children. To provide a platform where young adults navigate this thing called adulthood so we can attain our potential and have satisfaction and pleasure in bringing glory to God in every aspect of our life. In saying that we understand that;

"We are humans, but we don't wage war as humans do. We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ."

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Happy New Year 2022, looking forward to performing exploits and attaining new levels of elevation as we continue to seek God more.


Mo 🙂

A young woman on a mission to discovering purpose, to inspire growth and contribute to the Kingdom mandate. On the blog we are all about learning and growing and this is done through writing on topics from Faith, Education, Music, Food, Travel and so much more… (Romans 12:2)
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