Releasing Distraction

The past few months have been a stretch of FAITH, or should I say, a stretch of my very reality (more on this later). For those of you feeling like you are being pulled and stretched right now, this week’s post is especially for you *keep reading, but for those who are short on time, and want to come back later, go ahead and click on the image below to receive a printable treasure for the heart. It is something you can put on the fridge and speak out loud — over your life (more on why this is important later). Yes, I know that I keep saying (more on this later) but I have to give you something to be curious about right? I pray this printable will bring peace to your heart this week Friend.

Okay. Back to being stretchy. I thought about the place of being stretched and it usually lands smack dab in the middle of the unknown places. You know, that place in between? The vague shifting sands that get in the eyes and make them red and watery and you get so thirsty that you would do almost anything to be quenched from parched lips— Where you can just drink, and suddenly fill up with knowing

This is how it has been as of late – in the waiting room, or rather, in the dry sandy desert— trying to make my way to a water source where, at the very least, I could see a clear reflection of what is supposed to be. I mean, I wanted to KNOW the UNKNOWN and for it to be revealed in a way that I could fully understand.

Soon, that want became a need, then that so-called need— led to the wrong kind of distraction. It was like Mind Clutter on overdrive!

I attempted to pinpoint (that needed understanding) obsessively, which only led to, you got it, the wrong focus—and yes, patience, hope and faith became a stranger instead of a friend. I am not totally in the clear, but I am determined to move this distraction mountain out of the way, and I have to admit, truths of my very fleshly existence reared its ugliness quite a few times… like where I thought I had some pretty secure places of patience, hope and faith in certain areas of my life—- Yeah, NOT so much.  I found that when there are “edges of knowing”, yet not exactly understanding, it can cause the smallest seeds of doubt to be dropped into this brain of mine, therein taking quick roots to the heart. I found that these roots begin to grow (quickly) from tiny, sometimes unrecognizable seeds that suddenly create weeds — And NOT the easy to pull out kind — but the ones that shoot up strong and choke out grace.

The whole process made me feel like I wanted to bury my head, no, I digress….it made me want to bury my whole SELF in the SAND! Not that I would not come up for air, but I just did not want to be in that stretchy space anymore. Little did I know, what I thought was a desolate place filled with doubt and blindness, actually was a place filled with hope, faith and joy.

In all truth, the unknown can imprison minds. It can create a hyper-focus on one point in time and hold you back from moving forward in the call upon your life.  The thing is, I don’t want to be stuck in my calling, and I know you do not want to be STUCK either! If you stick with me *pun intended, I believe we can be un-stuck together in this amazing and stretchy journey we find ourselves on.

Thank you for sticking this out to the end of this very long post. You shall be rewarded! With all of this stretchy stuff happening, I decided to create a second printable that can help you start the process of moving towards patience, faith and the much needed HOPE even in the stretchy places. Click below to download some reflection questions that will help shift some thought processes – and start creating internal boundaries, therein, producing change.

Thank you for taking time Friend. I hope you find encouragement in the journey this week as you reflect and speak LIFE over your heart and mind *see My Free Gift #1 above.

“Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and late rains. You also, be patient.” James 5:7-8 ESV

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