Repeating Your Vision Often - Ron Edmondson

(Photo: Unsplash

How often do you repeat your vision to people within your organization?

The vision needs to be part of the organization’s DNA.  In my experience, it appears easier for people to naturally live the vision of an organization when they were in the organization from the beginning.  Something about the birthing process tends to embed the vision into each person in the organization who is present from the start. As the organization grows and new people are added the vision can often get lost in carrying out the work of the organization.  If the vision is important enough to the integrity of the organization, then it must be continually repeated.

At Grace Community Church our stated vision is to make growing disciples of Jesus Christ.  It is also understood that we will carry out that vision by being a church where authentic relationships are encouraged, God’s grace is abundant, there is a welcoming spirit and visitors leave with a message of hope and sensing God’s love in a casual atmosphere that strives for excellence in all that we do.  We even have a motto, which states, “Everyone needs a place to start over, that place is Grace.”  As much as we live this vision each week, if people are not directly reminded of the vision, the busyness of ministry and life may distract them from completely understanding it.  People do have other lives outside of our church.  If we are not careful, in years to come we will have large percentages of our church that really do not understand who Grace Community Church is designed to be.

Recently as I have thought about our sustainability as a church, I’ve been reminded of the hundreds of people who are in our church today that never experienced our first year as a church plant.  We have new people coming every week.  They need the benefit of fully understanding the vision we have set from the beginning of who we really are as a church.  To instill this vision into them we must continually find new ways to repeat our vision.

So again, how often do you repeat your vision to people within your organization?

Used by permission from

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